When messages are created using the Messaging functionality and the Send Message button is clicked, Message Run records are created to store all information about the messages, including any errors received during message send.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Message Runs record.
General Tab
Message System (Required)
The message system is the system used to send the message. This is usually an email system such as Microsoft Outlook. This field links to the Message Systems service.
Message Source (Required)
The message source defines the data on which the messages are based. This field links to the Message Sources service.
If the message was generated using a template selected in the Messaging dialog, the template's name appears in this field. This field links to the Message Templates service.
Approval Status (Required)
The status of approval for the message. Standard options are Pending, Approved, or Declined.
Status (Required)
The Status field stores the status of the message run. Standard options are Pending, In-Progress, Complete, Cancelled, and Error.
This field specifies any optional comments concerning the Message Run.
Date Started
The Date Started indicates the date the message run was started.
Date Stopped
The Date Stopped indicates the date the message run was stopped.
Recipient Count (Required)
Recipient Count is the number of recipients the message was sent to.
Error Description
The text of any errors received when sending the messages is stored in the Error Description field.
Message Tab
The Message tab stores the information that defines the message sent, including subject, body text, and so on.
The Subject field displays the subject of the message sent.
Text Body
If the message was in plain text format, the message body is stored in the Text Body field. This is stored even when a template is used so that if a template changes after this run, the original message is still captured.
If the message was in HTML format, the message body is stored in the HTML Body field. This is stored even when a template is used so that if a template changes after this run, the original message is still captured.
Priority (Required)
The priority of the message is specified in the Priority field. Standard options are Low, Normal, and High. By default Normal is selected.
To Type (Required)
The To Type field indicates whether the To field on the message is static- or field-driven:
- Static: The To address is manually entered, and is not based on the value of a field in the message source. This option is selected by default.
- Field: The To address is selected from a list of fields. These fields were set up as Messaging Fields when the Message Sources record was configured.
To (Required)
This is either a field in the Message Source or a static value, depending on the value of the To Type field.
CC Type (Required)
CC Type indicates how the message is carbon copied, if applicable. Standard options are:
- None: Selected by default. No CC is added to each message.
- Static: A static CC person is added to all messages.
- Field: A specified field from the message source is used for the CC on each message.
CC Value
The CC Value field contains either the message source field name or the static CC value, depending on the option selected in the CC Type field.
BCC Type
BCC Type indicates how the message is blind carbon copied, if applicable. Standard options are:
- None: Selected by default. No BCC is added to each message.
- Static: A static BCC person is added to all messages.
- Field: A specified field from the message source is used for the BCC on each message.
BCC Value
The BCC Value field contains either the message source field name or the static BCC value, depending on the option selected in the BCC Type field.
From Name
The name of the From person organization for Dot Net Mail or Dot Net (SMTP Client) messages is listed in the From Name field.
From Email
The email address of the From person for Dot Net Mail or Dot net (SMTP Client) messages is listed in the From Email field.
Reply To
Reply To contains the reply-to email address for the sent messages.
Message Run Actions
This tab provides information about the message actions associated with this message run. See the About the Message Actions Form for more details.
Recipient List Tab
This tab provides information about how the recipients were identified for this message run.
Source Type (Required)
The Source Type indicates the type of source for the messages. Options are:
- View: The View source type uses data in a specified view.
- List: The List source type uses data in the specified list.
- ID String: The ID String source type specifies a set of IDs in a comma-delimited string.
- StaticSingle: The StaticSingle source type uses a single record that is specified on the Message tab when the To Type field is also set to Static.
- SQL: The SQL source type uses data in the SQL field.
Message Runs created using the Aptify Messaging dialog are view-based. Administrators and developers can use the other source types to designate recipient lists in Message Runs created by process flows. StaticSingle is only valid if the record's To Type field is set to Static and the To field specifies a single destination address.
If Source Type is set to View, this field stores the name of the view on which the messages were based. This field links to the Views service. Message Runs created using the Aptify Messaging dialog are view-based.
If Source Type is set to List, the name of the List used to create the messages is stored in the List field. This field links to the Lists service.
ID String
If the message recipient list is defined as a specific set of records (rather than from a List or View), this field contains a comma-delimited string of record IDs. This is normally used only for small distributions, where it is unreasonable to create a Lists record given the system overhead associated with the process. This field is applicable when the Source Type is set to ID String.
SQL Text
A SQL statement that defines the recipient list.
Scheduling Tab
Scheduled Start Date/Time
The date and time the message run was scheduled to begin. This flows down from the Aptify Messaging dialog's Start Delivery At field. If generating the Message Run via a process flow, you must set this field in order to successfully save the record. If the run is to be sent immediately, use the current date. If the specified Message System supports delayed delivery, you can set this to a future date and time to invoke the scheduled task functionality.
It would be helpful if you could give examples of parameterizing the SQL in the SQL Text field.
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