This service stores information about users' View Folders. The system automatically creates a View Categories record each time a user creates a new folder or connects to a folder shared by another user.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the View Categories record.
General Tab
Entity ID (Required)
The service that this folder appears under within the user's profile. This field links to the Entities service.
Name (Required)
The name of the folder.
Parent ID
If this is a sub-folder, this field specifies its parent folder. This field is linked to another record in the View Categories service.
A description of the folder.
Owner ID (Required)
The user who created and owns the folder.
Sequence (Required)
This field is reserved for future use; it defaults to 1.
Enable Sharing
When set to 1, this folder can be shared by other users.
Shared Link
A value greater than 0 indicates that another user created this folder and that the user specified in the Owner ID field is sharing it. A value of -1 indicates that the Owner ID specified on the record created this field.
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