This service stores information about the available Microsoft Word Templates that can be loaded from the Aptify MS Word Integration Wizard. These records specify a Word template that is stored in the Aptify Object Repository. See Administering Microsoft Word Templates for more information on this wizard.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Word Templates record. The tab becomes available when the record is initially saved.
Entities Tab
This tab stores the list of entities for which this template can appear. This template only appears in the Aptify MS Word Integration Wizard when the wizard is launched from one of the services listed on this tab (and when its Category is also linked to the same entity).
General Tab
Name (Required)
The name of the template. This is the name that identifies the template in the Aptify MS Word Integration wizard.
Category (Required)
The category to which the template belongs. A template appears in the Aptify MS Word Integration wizard's right window pane when a user selects its category in the wizard's left window pane.
A description of the template. This description appears in the in the Aptify MS Word Integration Wizard.
Repository Object (Required)
This field specifies the Word template's location in the Aptify Object Repository.
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