About the Survey Management Forms

The purpose of this topic is to provide field-by-field information on every form used in the Surveys application. It is intended for use as a reference for the various fields on any Surveys form. The forms are listed in alphabetical order. Within each form, tabs are also addressed in alphabetical order.

The following forms are documented in this topic:


About the Answers Form

This form specifies a possible answer to a question.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Answers record.

General Tab

Text (required)

The text of the answer that is displayed to end users.

Survey Category (required)

The answer's category type. This field provides a link to the corresponding Survey Categories record.


Descriptive information about the answer.


About the Question Types Form

This Service defines the available formats for Questions, such as multiple choice with a dropdown menu, multiple choice with check boxes, and short answer. Aptify provides seven default Question Types. Administrators familiar with XSL (Extensible Style Language) can create their own Question Types.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Question Types record.

General Tab

Name (required)

The name of the question type.

Multiple Answers to Save

Select this option to allow multiple answers for this question type. When enabled, a user can select multiple answers to a question; when disabled, a user can only select one answer from the list of possible answers.


An optional description of the question type.


The format of the question type, defined in XSL (Extensible Style Language).


About the Questions Form

This service contains the questions that can be used in surveys. Each Survey Question within a Survey specifies a Question. Each Question contains a list of possible Answers. Web users see the possible Answers in the same order that they appear within a Question record's Possible Answers tab.
Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Questions record.

General Tab

Name (required)

The name of the question. This is not displayed to Web users.

Text (required)

The text of the question, which is displayed to Web users.

Survey Category (required)

The question's category type. This field links to the corresponding Survey Categories record.

Question Type (required)

The question's question type. This field links to the corresponding Question Types record.


An optional description of the question.

Possible Answers Tab

This tab contains the possible answers to the question.

Click the New Record... button to open a new Possible Answers record.

Possible Answer

The name and ID of a Survey Answer.

Answer Required

Select this option to require the user to provide an answer to the specified answer before continuing with the survey. This option is only applicable for Question Types that have Multiple Answers to Save enabled (such as Short Answer or Rate 1 to 3).

For example, you can require a user to provide an e-mail address before he/she can continue with a survey. If the user clicks Next or Finish without providing an answer, an error notice appears on the Web site, such as changing the color of the answer text to red. The format of the error message depends upon the Survey Style Sheets in use.


This option only applies to certain Question Types. See About the Answer Required Options for details.


About the Survey Capture Modes Form

This form defines a method used to collect survey data. By default, there is one default mode, Full Results, which captures all survey data.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Capture Modes record.

General Tab

Name (required)

The name of the Capture Mode.


An optional description for the Capture Mode.

Sampling Method (required)

Identifies the capture method in use. Full Results is the only option available at this time.

Sampling Value

This option specifies the percentage of survey data that is captured by Aptify. This field is reserved for future use. At this time, the only option available is to have Aptify capture 100 percent of the data.

About the Survey Categories Form

This form defines a category that a survey developer can use to group similar Answers, Questions, and Surveys together for searching purposes. For example, all Questions that measure customer satisfaction can be added to a single Customer Satisfaction category.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Categories record.

General Tab

Name (required)

The name of the category.


An optional description of the category.

About the Survey Delivery Types Form

This form defines a method for delivering the survey to end users. For example, you can mark a survey as delivered via fax, e-mail, postal mail, the web, etc. The Surveys module includes one built-in record (Web). Each survey can support multiple delivery types. You must add at least one Web delivery type to a Survey before the survey will appear on the e-Business web site.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Delivery Types record.

General Tab

Name (required)

The name of the delivery method.


An optional description of the delivery method.

About the Survey List Style Sheets Form

This form identifies a cascading style sheet that a survey developer can use to format the appearance of the Survey Center (also known as the Survey List) on the e-Business web site. This is the list of available surveys that is displayed after a web user clicks the Surveys menu option. This service links to two of the sample Survey Style Sheets by default.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey List Survey Style Sheets record.

General Tab

Survey Style Sheet (required)

The name of the Survey Style Sheet used to format the Survey List on the e-Business Web site. This field links to the corresponding Survey Style Sheets record.

Start Date

The date and time at which the style sheet is applied to the Survey List. If blank, Aptify uses the Start and End Dates specified within the corresponding Survey Style Sheets record.

End Date

The date and time at which the style sheet is no longer applied to the Survey List. If blank, Aptify uses the Start and End Dates specified within the corresponding Survey Style Sheets record.

About the Survey Participants Form

This form contains information about web users that have taken a particular survey.


Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Participants record.

General Tab

Person ID (required)

The name and company name of the person who has taken the survey. This field links to the user's corresponding Persons record. If the user's identity is unknown (in other words, if the user did not log into the Web site before taking the survey), the Person ID is set to -1.

Survey (required)

The name of the survey taken by the user. This field links to the corresponding Surveys record.

Date Created

The date and time at which the user began the survey.

Date Updated

The date and time at which the user last made a change to saved survey responses. If Is Complete option is selected, this field specifies the date and time at which the user finished the survey.

Survey Result

The ID of the Survey Results record in which the user's survey responses are stored. This field is blank or -1 if the survey's Tracking Type is set to Anonymous. The system records that the Person took the survey but does not link this record to the Person's survey responses.

Is Complete

When this option is selected, it indicates that the user has finished taking the survey.

About the Survey Questions (Question Branches) Form

This form contains information about web users that have taken a particular survey.


Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Participants record.

General Tab

Person ID (required)

The name and company name of the person who has taken the survey. This field links to the user's corresponding Persons record. If the user's identity is unknown (in other words, if the user did not log into the Web site before taking the survey), the Person ID is set to -1.

Survey (required)

The name of the survey taken by the user. This field links to the corresponding Surveys record.

Date Created

The date and time at which the user began the survey.

Date Updated

The date and time at which the user last made a change to saved survey responses. If Is Complete option is selected, this field specifies the date and time at which the user finished the survey.

Survey Result

The ID of the Survey Results record in which the user's survey responses are stored. This field is blank or -1 if the survey's Tracking Type is set to Anonymous. The system records that the Person took the survey but does not link this record to the Person's survey responses.

Is Complete

When this option is selected, it indicates that the user has finished taking the survey.

About the Survey Results Form

This form contains a user's responses to a survey.


Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Results record.

Result Details Tab

This tab displays the user's responses to the survey questions. Each row corresponds to one answer given by the user. For questions that support multiple answers, the form lists each answer in its own row.

Double-click a row to open a Result Details record, which contains the following fields:


The name of the survey taken by an end user. This field links to the corresponding Surveys record.

Survey Question

The ID of the Survey Question for the selected Survey Result Details record. This field links to the corresponding Survey Questions record.


The name of the Question for the selected Survey Result Details record. This field links to the corresponding Questions record.


The name of the answer selected by the user. This field links to the corresponding Answers record.

Answer Value

For the Short Answer and Rate 1 to 3 Question Types, this is the text entered by the user, as shown below. For all other Question Types, this is the ID of the selected answer.


A combination of the Question ID and the Answer ID used internally during HTML rendering. This field is provided for reference purposes only.


General Tab

Survey (required)

The name of the survey taken by the user. This field links to the corresponding Surveys record.

Date Created

The date and time at which the user began the survey.

Date Updated

The date and time at which the user last made a change to saved survey responses. If the Is Complete option is selected, this field specifies the date and time at which the user finished the survey.

Survey Capture Mode (required)

The name of the capture mode used to save the survey results.

Person ID

The name and company name of the person who has taken the survey. This field links to the user's corresponding Persons record. The Person ID is unused and set to a value of -1 under one of the following conditions:

  • The user did not log into the Web site before taking the survey.
  • The user logged into the Web site but the survey's Tracking Type is set to Anonymous.

Is Complete

When this option is selected, it indicates that the user has finished taking the survey.

About the Survey Status Form

This form defines the available survey status options. The Surveys module includes three default status options: Planning, In Progress, Complete, and Closed.

  • When set to Planning, a survey will not appear on the web site.
  • When set to In Progress, a survey is available for users to take on the Web site (assuming that the survey is set to use a Web delivery type).
  • When set to Complete, the survey no longer appears in the Survey List for new users; however, the survey is still available to Web users who already took the survey so they review their answers (this assumes that the user was logged into the web site and the survey's Tracking Type is set to Identify or Mixed).
  • When set to Closed, the survey no appears in the Survey List for any users.


Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Status record.

General Tab

Name (required)

The name of the survey status option.


An optional description of the status option.

About the Survey Style Sheets Form

This form specifies the name and location of a cascading style sheet that a survey developer can use to format the appearance of the survey and/or Survey List on the e-Business web site. The Surveys module includes four sample style sheets.


Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Style Sheets record.

General Tab

Name (required)

The name of the cascading style sheet.

File Path (required)

The location of the style sheet within the Web directory on the computer running the Microsoft IIS server.

Start Date

The date and time at which the style sheet is applied to a survey or the Survey List. A survey or the Survey List will always use a style sheet if its Start and End Dates are blank. Note that the Start and End Dates specified within a Survey's Applied Style Sheet tab or the Survey List Survey Style Sheets service override this service's Start and End Dates.

End Date

The date and time at which the style sheet is no longer applied to the survey or the Survey List. A survey or the Survey List will always use a style sheet if its State and End Dates are blank. Note that the Start and End Dates specified within a Survey's Applied Style Sheet tab or the Survey List Survey Style Sheets service override this service's Start and End Dates.


A survey only uses a particular style sheet if the style sheet appears in the survey's Applied Style Sheets tab (see About the Surveys (Question Trees) Form); the Survey List only uses a particular style sheet if the sheet has a Survey List Survey Style Sheets record.


An optional description for the style sheet.

About the Survey Tracking Types Form

This form defines a method to track a user's identity when a user takes a survey. The Surveys application includes three Tracking Types by default: Anonymous, Identify, and Mixed.

  • When set to Anonymous, Aptify does not associate a user with survey results. However, if a survey has Allow Duplicates disabled, a user who is logged into the Web site cannot take a survey more than once; while Aptify does not link a user to his/her results, Aptify does track whether or not the user has taken the survey (in the Survey Participants service).
  • When set to Identify, Aptify associates a user with -survey results; only Web users who are logged into the system will have access to the survey.
  • When set to Mixed, all users have access to the survey, and Aptify associates a user with the survey results if the user is logged into the system at the time he/she takes the survey.


Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Tracking Types record.

General Tab

Name (required)

The name of the Tracking Type.


An optional description of the Tracking Type.

About the Surveys (Question Trees) Form

This form defines a method to track a user's identity when a user takes a survey. The Surveys application includes three Tracking Types by default: Anonymous, Identify, and Mixed.

  • When set to Anonymous, Aptify does not associate a user with survey results. However, if a survey has Allow Duplicates disabled, a user who is logged into the Web site cannot take a survey more than once; while Aptify does not link a user to his/her results, Aptify does track whether or not the user has taken the survey (in the Survey Participants service).
  • When set to Identify, Aptify associates a user with -survey results; only Web users who are logged into the system will have access to the survey.
  • When set to Mixed, all users have access to the survey, and Aptify associates a user with the survey results if the user is logged into the system at the time he/she takes the survey.


Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Tracking Types record.

General Tab

Name (required)

The name of the Tracking Type.


An optional description of the Tracking Type.

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