Installing e-Business with Ektron

This section contains the following topics related to configuring an existing Ektron integration with Aptify after you have installed e-Business to an Ektron site:

If you currently have e-Business 5.0 or e-Business 5.0 SP1 or 5.0 SP2 integrated with an existing Ektron site, please contact Aptify Technical Support or Aptify Consulting to determine how to best upgrade your Ektron integration to leverage the baseline Ektron integration provided first in e-Business 5.0 SP3 and now with e-Business 5.5. In some cases, you may choose to continue using your existing integration model that was developed prior to SP3.



If you need to set up the integration between Aptify e-Business and Ektron for the first time, perform the procedures in the "Ektron CMS Integration" section of the Integrating with a Content Management System chapter of the attached Aptify e-Business 5.5 Developer Guide.


Adding Aptify Web Services to Ektron

  1. Browse to the location of the contents of the e-Business ZIP file and open the Ektron Integration folder.
  2. Copy AptifyIntegrationWS.asmx from the Ektron Integration folder to the Ektron website's Workarea\WebServices folder. You can also create a new, separate Aptify sub-folder in the location (but be sure to specify the correct path for the attribute values as described in Configuring the Ektron Content Management Systems Record).
    • For example, if you have the sample Ektron EDU site installed, you will copy the file to a location like this: _C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Edu\Workarea\webservices_
    • You may want to confirm that the file is inheriting permissions from the security permissions from the folder. See Ektron Integration Troubleshooting Tips for details. 
  3. Copy AptifyIntegrationWS.vb to the Ektron site's App_Code/vbcode folder.
    • For example, if you have the sample Ektron EDU site installed, you would copy the file to the location like: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Edu\App_Code\vbcode

Updating Ektron User Controls

  1. Copy the files from the \Ektron Integration\UserControls\Aptify_General folder to the Web site's UserControls\Aptify_General folder.
  2. Copy the SyncProfile.ascx and SyncProfile.ascx.vb files from the \Ektron Integration\UserControls\Aptify_Customer_Service folder to the web site's UserControls\Aptify_Customer_Service folder.
    • Overwrite the existing SyncProfile control files if prompted. 
  3. If you are upgrading to e-Business 5.5.1 and up, copy these files from the EktronIntegration\App_Code folder to the Ektron site's App_Code\VBCode folder:
    • AspectRatio.vb
    • CommonMethods.vb

Configuring the Ektron Content Management Systems Record

If you are installing e-Business with an Ektron site, Aptify provides the necessary Content Management Systems record to configure integration between Ektron and e-Business to support single sign-on and topic code linking. Once you have installed e-Business, follow the steps below to configure and activate the appropriate Content Management Systems record for Ektron. Note that numerous Ektron CMS records exist to support existing e-Business/Ektron sites.

  1. Log into the Aptify database with a user account that has privileges to access the Content Management System application.
  2. Create or open a view of the Content Management Systems service.
    • The Content Management Systems service is located under the Content Management application by default. 
  3. Locate the appropriate Ektron record.
    • The Name field of each Ektron-related Content Management Systems record has the word Ektron followed by one of the Aptify supported version of the CMS. 
  4. On the General tab, edit the CMS URL field to specify the base URL for your Ektron site.
  5. Edit the Default CMS Page field to specify the default page you want to use for your Ektron site.
  6. Select the Active option. The record is inactive by default.
  7. Select the Attributes tab.
  8. Specify the appropriate value for each attribute. The first six attributes identify the location of the Web Services asmx files for your Ektron installation.
    • ServerControlWS: Identifies the location of the Ektron Server Control Web service.
    • TaxonomyWS: Identifies the location of the Ektron Taxonomy Web service.
    • UserWS: Identifies the location of the Ektron User Web service.
    • ContentWS: Identifies the location of the Ektron Content Web service.
    • FolderWS: Identifies the location of the Ektron Folder Web service.
    • AptifyEktronWS: Identifies the location of the Aptify Integration Web service on the Ektron site. This is the file you copied to the Ektron site in Adding Aptify Web Services to Ektron.
    • DefaultPassword: Specify a default password that will be assigned to Ektron Membership Users created from within the CMS-Aptify User Synchronization wizard.
      • When a new Web User is created from the e-Business site, Aptify can automatically generate a new, corresponding Ektron Membership User (with the same password as the Aptify Web User). However, for any Ektron Membership User created from the wizard, Aptify assigns the default password specified here.
      • When an Aptify Web User logs in to the e-Business site, Aptify automatically attempts to login the user within the Ektron site as well using the Aptify Web User password. If that fails, then Aptify attempts to log the user into the Ektron site using the Default Password.
      • Note that the unified login feature is not applicable for an existing Ektron Membership User who is subsequently linked to an Aptify Web User and that Ektron user's password does not match the Aptify Web User's password (or the Default Password specified here).
      • If you use the Use Default CMS User Link option, the specified Default User's password must match the Default Password you provide for this attribute value. 
    • EktronAdminUsername: This attribute defines the Ektron User's Username with administrative privileges that should be used to access Ektron's Content Management System via Web services. This should be the admin or built-in user, or an equivalent login created by your organization.
    • EktronAdminPassword: This attribute specifies the password for the Ektron User with administrative privileges that should be used to access Ektron's Content Management System via Web services. This should be the password for the admin or built-in user, or an equivalent login created by your organization. Configure other settings for the record as necessary.
    • See the Integrating with a Content Management System chapter in the attached Aptify e-Business 5.5 Developer Guide for more information about configuring CMS integration with Aptify. 
  9. Save and close the Content Management Systems record.

Ektron Integration Troubleshooting Tips

This topic lists troubleshooting tips for the Ektron integration process.

  • If the AptifyIntegrationWS.asmx file is not inheriting permissions from its folder, perform the following steps:

    1. Browse to the location where you placed the AptifyIntegrationWS.asmx file on the web server.

    2. Right‐click the file and select Properties from the pop‐up menu.

    3. Click the Security tab and review the file’s current permissions.

    4. If no users or groups have permission to the file, click the Advanced button to open the Advanced Security Settings dialog.

    5. Select the Allow inheritable permissions from the parent to propagate to this object and all child objects option.

    6. Click Apply and then OK to close all open dialogs. 
  • As you add e-Business user controls to Ektron pages, one or more pages may fail to load due to a missing ScriptManager. If you see this error, add the following code to the page before any controls that need to use it:

    <asp:scriptmanager id="ScriptManager1" runat="server">


  • e-Business 5.5.2 uses the Telerik.Web.UI assembly version 2014.2.618.40. If you receive an error that the server could not find an earlier version of the Telerik.Web.UI assembly, add the following assemblyBinding to the web.config's runtime section:

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas‐microsoft‐com:asm.v1">
    <assemblyIdentity name="Telerik.Web.UI" publicKeyToken="121FAE78165BA3D4" culture="neutral"/>
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="2009.2.701.35" newVersion="2014.2.618.40"/>


  • e-Business 5.5.1 uses the Telerik.Web.UI assembly version 2013.1.403.40. If you receive an error that the server could not find an earlier version of the Telerik.Web.UI assembly, add the following assemblyBinding to the web.config's runtime section.

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas‐microsoft‐com:asm.v1">
    <assemblyIdentity name="Telerik.Web.UI" publicKeyToken="121FAE78165BA3D4" culture="neutral"/>
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="2009.2.701.35" newVersion="2013.1.403.40"/>


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