This page includes descriptions on how to deploy Aptify Web, Ebusiness 5.5.3, or EBusiness 6/7 without using an installer.
Why? Sometimes it's just simpler to do so. Maybe you can't find the installer, or the installer won't work for some reason, or the installer runs, but it is crashing out midway through.
This page includes instructions on how to manually deploy the websites, as well as what/where settings need to be changed to get it to work properly.
- Note all of these assume you have the requisite IIS and server settings already setup and for E-Business 6, the database component installed.
- See the Quick List for Setting up and Troubleshooting Aptify Infrastructure
page for more details on environment installs (.NET 3.5, .NET 4.5, MVC4, for example) and Windows Features for IIS that are necessary depending on Aptify Web or E-Business: You should have a basic "Default Web Site" in your IIS.
How to setup the Aptify Web 6.0/6.1 website
(Note, this was written for Aptify Web 6.0/6.1 but should apply to more current releases as well.)
In addition to the IIS and server settings mentioned previously, make sure to have installed SQLSysClrTypes.msi and ReportViewer.msi. If you are setting this serverup for the first time, you must also install MVC 4 framework.
You may need to add an HTTPS binding to the Default Web Site, if one doesn't exist. In IIS, select Default Web Site and then click Bindings in the far right menu:
If one doesn't appear for HTTPS, add a new one:
Note, the SSL Certificate you use here may be client-specific or you may want to generate a self-signed certificate for testing purposes.
Creating the Application Pools
Go to IIS Manager and select Application Pools. Create two new ones.
First pool name: Aptify_HTML5Web
Right-click on the Aptify_HTML5Web Application Pool and click Advanced Settings. Scroll down to Identity, and open the record.
Change the Application Pool Identity from ApplicationPoolIdentity to LocalSystem.
Second pool name: Aptify_SOAWeb
Right-click on the Aptify_SOAWeb Application Pool and click Advanced Settings. Scroll down to Identity, and open the record. Select Custom account and set:
Enter the username (with domain) and password for the user you want to use as an app pool user for Aptify Web and Aptify Web services.
Enter the username (with domain) and password for the user you want to use as an app pool user for Aptify Web and Aptify Web services.
Note, this user must also exist in Aptify and have AptifySOAAppPoolGroup group permissions.
Note, Aptify recommends against using the same account to service Aptify Web SOA as either E-Business Classic, E-Business 6, or your Async Service. It is ok to do so for dev/test purposes, but otherwise the accounts should all be different. Each requires different levels of permissions and it's recommended to limit each to the minimum-required permissions.
Click ok.
Deploying the pages:
Unzip or copy your existing AptifyWeb website to the server. Copy the AptifyServicesAPI and Aptify folders into your C:\inetpub\wwwroot location. (You can change this location to somewhere else if preferred)
When you refresh the Default Web Site, you should see them there now. Right click on Aptify and select Convert to Application.
Change the Application pool to Aptify_HTML5Web. You can otherwise leave as is, unless you put the physical path somewhere else. Click ok.
Right click on the AptifyServicesAPI site and select Convert to Application. Change the Application Pool to Aptify_SOAWeb. Click Test Settings- this will verify your apppool user has access to that folder.
Note, if you have a specific hostname for this site with a DNS entry (e,g, you can fill that in the Host Name.
It should as long as it's in the IIS_IUSRS Windows group, which you may need to add.
Changes to update to your environment:
Go to the AptifyServicesAPI/web.config file. Using NotePad++ or something similar, do a find-and-replace.
Replace the other server's name (in this screenshot APTIFYDEV) with either your new server name or if you used a Host Name in the binding, the HostName. Replace All.
Note, if you have multiple HTTPS sites without a different DNS entry, you may need specify the port number if it is different from default value of 443. (This can befound in the Site's binding)
If the port was listed as 446, for example, I would replace the value with servername:446
Change the below attribute to point to the database you wish to connect Aptify Web to- replace the . with the server and instance name.
<add key="Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.Server" value="." />
Change the Object Repository path to wherever you have the Aptify client installed, typically C:\Program Files\Aptify 5.0. It is this attribute:
<add key="Aptify.Framework.ObjectRepository.AptifyObjectRepository.DefaultObjectCachePath" value="C:\Program Files\Aptify 6.1" />
If you need to change the folder/location for Aptify Web uploads, change the upload path of this attribute:
<add key="Aptify.Framework.UploadsPath" value="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AptifyServicesAPI\Uploads" />
Save the web.config file. To ensure your changes were processed, open it in Notepad and verify. If they did not, save a copy to the Desktop, edit there, and then copyover the AptifyServicesAPI version.
Note- if using Aptify 6.2, verify your find-and-replace of the AptifyServicesAPI\services web.config changed the values of the Redirect and Login attributes,as well as the CORS values. The attributes that need to be changed start with :
<add key="AuthenticatedRedirectLocation" (usually around line 74)
<add key="InterfaceURL" under <Provider lookupName="DomainWithContainer" attribute (usually line 80)
<add key="InterfaceURL" under <Provider lookupName="SQLNeedsInputWithContainer" attribute (usually line 83)
<add key="Aptify.Services.CORS.AllowedDomains (usually around line 146)
Go to the Aptify\script\Aptify\configuration Aptify.Framework.Configuration.External.js file. Using NotePad++ or something similar, do a find-and-replace just as you did before in the web.config. (Remember to specify port number if it previously applied.)
Save the Aptify.Framework.Configuration.External.js file. To ensure your changes were processed, open it in Notepad and verify. If they did not, save a copy to theDesktop, edit there, and then copy over the Aptify\script\Aptify\configuration version.
If Using Aptify 6.2
Go to the Aptify\web.config file. Using NotePad++ or something similar, do a find-and-replace just as you did before in the web.config. (Remember to specify portnumber if it previously applied.)
b verify your find-and-replace changed the values of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Content-Security-Policy values. The attributes that need to be changed start with :
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" (usually around line 118)
<add name="Content-Security-Policy" attribute (usually line 127) - note, this one has multiple places in the value where it needs to be replaced
Making Final Changes to IIS
Go back to IIS. If you only have Aptify Web under your site, you can just select the overall site. However, if you have other sites under Default Web site, you will want to do this to the AptifyServicesAPI application and Aptify application separately.
Select the AptifyServicesAPI site, and click Authentication under the IIS section. Select Anonymous Authentication, and click Edit under Actions in the far right column.
Change it from a specific user to Application Pool identity. Go to the Aptify site and make the same change.
Restart IIS.
Post deployment items:
Once deployed, you may want to run several of the HTML5 Generator Process Flows, in particular the Entities and Views to generate this metadata appropriate to your database and system.
If you have any custom .dlls, Crystal Reports, or other objects that need to be run out of Aptify Web, you'll need to copy those into the AptifyServicesAPI\bin folder.
Confirm it's deployed and working. First, go to
https://servername/AptifyServicesAPI/services/checkconnection to verify the app pools are running and services areworking. It should just return a date/time stamp.
Then, go to https://servername/Aptify to confirm you can login to Aptify Web.
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