Starting Aptify release 6.3, the single page login screen is being replaced with a two-column layout. This layout divides the screen into two sections.:
- Left-hand side column: Displays the default login controls.
- Right-hand side column: Displays marketing content, which can be reconfigured to a company's marketing page URL.
Left-Hand Side Enhancements
Below are the UI changes made to the login control.
- Removal of Pop-up: The dropdown to select SQL or Domain before entering username/password is no longer a pop-up. If only SQL or domain is allowed, then the dropdown will not appear.
- Remembering Authentication Method: When multiple authentication methods are allowed, a cookie is written to remember the user's last choice, so they do not need to select it every time.
- SQL Users PWD Reset: For SQL users, a PWD reset page is included allowing them to reset their password (optional and can be hidden).
- Additional Links: Links to different Aptify pages (AMP, KB, support) are added at the bottom of the control.
Right-Hand Side Enhancements
The right-hand side is intended for marketing purposes and is managed by the marketing team to highlight upcoming changes, new releases, new AMP offerings, etc. The URL on this side can be configured by editing the 'ConsolidatedLogin.html' file located at:
To configure the URL, modify the source file in iframe tag as shown below:
<div class="html-embed w-embed w-iframe">
<iframe frameborder="0" style="width:100%;height:100%;"
src="http://place the new URL here" id="marketing"
name="marketing" scrolling="no" title="Marketing"
tabindex="-1" sandbox="allow-forms allow-pointer-lock
allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts">
The right side will be hidden in case the screen is too small.
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