Making Payment Without Login: Email reminder feature

The Aptify e-Business 7.3 release includes the implementation of services necessary for the "Make Payment without Login" feature. The e-Business React MVP release brings two new features: the frontend implementation of the "Make Payment without Login" feature in React, and the introduction of the Payment Email Reminder feature.

The "Payment Email Reminder" feature enables associations to set up recurring automatic email reminders for customers who have outstanding payments on their orders. Typically, email reminder consists of the order information, pending balance information and a link to the newly created "Pay Now" page in e-Business React. However, the contents of the email can be customized as per your requirements.

To use this feature, make sure you have the CM pack installed, to learn about the setup, refer to "Setting up Payment Reminder Emails" section in Installing the e-Business React Application document. Installing the CM pack, deploys a message template, a scheduled task and a view. 

Note: The Email Reminder Feature is available starting with Aptify e-Business release 7.3 and subsequent versions.

Configuring the Message Template

The message template, once deployed in the database following the installation of the CM pack, requires configuration to function properly. Please adhere to the instructions provided below:

  1. Log in to the Smart Client application.
  2. In the Messaging Administration application, navigate to the Message Templates service.
  3. Search for e-Business Order Payment Reminder Email Template and open it.
  4. The configurations shown in below screenshot is set by default. However, the Default Messaging System can be customized as per your requirements,

  5. In the Delivery tab, update the configurations according to your association's requirements.

  6. In the HTML tab, you will find the default HTML for the message template. Modify it according to your needs.
    Below is the screen shot of the default HTML page, here notice a link to the newly built Pay Now page. This link is dynamically generated with the person's ID and order's ID appended to the page URL.
    The domain of the link should be changed from "http://localhost:3000" to your association's domain, which is used in the URL of the e-Business React website, followed by a trailing "/ebizUI".

    For example, if your association's domain which you have used for the e-Business URL is "", then "http://localhost:3000/makePayment/paynow?orderId=<<ID>>&amp;personId=<<BillToID>>", would become, "<<ID>>&amp;personId=<<BillToID>>".

  7. Save and close the record.


Configuring the Scheduled Task

The scheduled task, set up in the database following the installation of the CM pack, facilitates the automatic dispatch of email reminders to users with orders that have pending payments. For it to function properly, it must be configured according to your specific requirements. Please adhere to the instructions provided below:

  1. Log in to the Smart Client application.
  2. In the Process Pipeline application, navigate to the Scheduled Tasks service
  3. Search for the scheduled task called, Send Order Payment Reminder, and open it.
  4. The following configurations have been set by default,

  5. When the Service field is set to Schedule Web Job Only, make sure the Web Job Enabled checkbox is selected. This indicates the scheduled task will be managed by Web Jobs. However, the Service field can be set as per your requirements. Ensure that you enter the correct Job Account Name and Password for the scheduled task to be processed by the Application Server.
  6. Set the Frequency Type, Start Date, Start Time, End Date (if any), Schedule Task Daily and Repeat Task configurations as per your needs.
  7. The Schedule Task must have the Is Enabled checkbox selected in order to run successfully.
  8. Save and close the record.
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