Installation of BluePay Payment Gateway


Aptify 6.0 introduced a new payment processing type with the BluePay Payment Gateway. This Payment Gateway is an alternative payment option optimized for internet merchants during the order process. The gateway service provides an easy way to process payments by using credit cards and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions and is complete with CVV validation (if requested).


For Detailed information of the features, please visit

The new payment gateway process supports the following features in Aptify Smart Client and Web:

    • Account Updater
    • Fraud Management
    • Payments (Credit Card and ACH)
      • Saved Payment Methods
      • Capture Process Flow
      • Raw Request and Raw Response
      • AVS and CSC check

The following are the authorization types supported by the BluePay Payment Gateway:

  • Authorization only
  • Authorization capture

Once you've completed the installation, if you need assistance in migration of Credit Card information in your database to tokens, please follow the instructions here: Working with Credit Card to Token Migration Tool.

Installation of BluePay Payment Gateway

This topic contains the following sub-topics:

 Installation Procedure

The following instructions provide a step-by-step guide for the installation of BluePay Payment Gateway component.


This Installation Guide is applicable only for Aptify 6.0 version and below. With Aptify 6.1 Bluepay integration will be done along with the Aptify 6.1 setup and no separate installation required.

Aptify strongly recommends that you install and test the installation in a test environment first using a copy of your production server before running it directly on the production server.

  1. Backup your database before starting the installation process.
  2. Log into the Aptify database server with an account that has administrative privileges.
  3. If you have not already done so, back up your Aptify database server.
  4. Close the Aptify desktop application on the database server, if currently running.
  5. Download the BluePay Payment Gateway Installer ZIP file to a folder on the database server and unzip its contents.

    When using low-end hardware, Aptify recommends running the installation program locally on the database server; do not run it over the network.

    The Windows API requires that fully qualified file names are less than 260 characters. Aptify recommends that the BluePay Payment Gateway Installer ZIP file is unzipped in a folder close to the drive's root folder (for example C:\Downloads) in order to limit the possibility of exceeding the character limitation for fully qualified file names imposed by the operating system.

  6. Browse to the location of the installation files, right-click the Setup application file, and select the Run As Administrator option to launch the BluePay Payment Gateway installation program.

    • On Windows Server 2008, the Run as Administrator option bypasses the server's User Access Control (UAC) for the duration of the installation.
  7. Enter login information for your database server. Specify an account with system administrator privileges to both the Aptify database and SQL Server. The user should also be tied to a Developer license to ensure that the setup can perform such tasks as entity creation when needed.

    Selecting the System Administrator option when creating a user in the Aptify database sets the user to a dbowner in SQL Server. It does not add the user to the sysadmin role. You will need to manually add the user to the sysadmin role through SQL Server. If in doubt, check the user's permissions in the Security > Logins area of SQL Management Studio before proceeding with the installation.


  8. Review the Installation welcome screen, the Aptify BluePay component Installer automatically identifies the current version of Aptify and components installed on the database server and displays them on your system.

    If the component Installer does not identify the correct Aptify Version installed on your system, please contact your System Administrator.


  9. Click Finish to begin the installation process.

  10. Click OK once the installation has been completed successfully.Step_10.png
  11. Launch the 'Aptify Object Repository Synchronizer'.
  12. Browse and select the object cache folder to '<site direcotry>/wwwroot/AptifyServicesAPI/bin'.Step_12.png
  13. Select the 'Repository User' as a System Administrator user.Step_13.png

  14. Select the 'Select Objects for Synchronization' option.Step_14.png
  15. Click 'Next'.
  16. Select the 'ElectronicPayment.BluePay' object. Step_16.png
  17. Click 'Next'.
  18. Click to 'Finish' to update the electronic BluePay dll in the AptifyServicesAPI/bin folder.
  19. To update the BluePay DLLs  in the e-Business bin folder, do the following:
    1. Launch the 'Aptify Object Repository Synchronizer'.
    2. Browse and select the object cache folder to '<site direcotry>/wwwroot/Ebiz553/bin'.Step_19b.png
    3. Select the 'Repository User' as a System Administrator user.
    4. Select the 'Specify Sync Repository Object Record' option and select 'Object name' as 'e-Business' from the drop-down list.Step_19d.png
    5. Click 'Next'.

      The Synchronizer will identify the list of required dlls that need to be synchronized.

    6. Select the ElectronicPayment.BluePay' and 'Payments' objects.Step_19f.pngStep_19fa.png

    7. Click 'Next'.
    8. Click to 'Finish' to update the electronic BluePay dlls in the  Ebiz553/bin folder.
  20. Stop and Start the Application Pool Services of Aptify application.
  21. Log in to Aptify Smart Client with administrative privileges.
  22. Navigate to 'Order Entry Administration' application.
  23. Open 'Merchant Accounts' service.
  24. Find the 'BluePay' merchant accounts record.Step_24.png
  25. Open the  'BluePay' merchant accounts record.
  26. Checkmark the 'Is Active?' checkbox to activate the 'BluePay' merchant account.

    Make sure you use one active merchant account for one payment type to be aware of which merchant account is in use.


    The fields related to the Fraud check within the Merchant Account record are not considered for BluePay Payment Gateway. The 'Fraud Check' based on the Velocity, Threshold, AVS/CVV, Card Issuing Country, and Negative Database (excluding IP) must be enabled through the BluePay account (Path: BluePay login>Home>Fraud>Overview).Step_26Note.png


  27. Navigate to 'Attributes' tab and include the below attribute values:
    1. GatewayLocation (for example:

    2. Username (Account ID of the user BluePay account)
    3. Password (Secret Key of the user BluePay account. The Secret Key can be found in the  BluePay site>Admin>Accounts>List>Account Information)
    4. OperationMode (By default, the value is set to 'TEST' for testing transactions in Gateway. If the value is set to 'LIVE', a real transaction is processed by overriding the default settings.)Step_27d.png
  28. Set the 'Currency Types' to 'US Dollar'.     Step_28.png

    Aptify also supports multiple currency types for BluePay payment gateway. Make sure you create a new Merchant Record for each currency type. Step_28Note.png

  29. In the 'Payment Types' tab, add the required payment types.Step_29.png
  30. Save and close the record.
  31. Log out from Aptify Smart Client.
  32. Log into Aptify Smart client again and make sure all the changes carried out are shown.

If you experience any transaction failure due to network restrictions, you may need to add the BluePay IP addresses to your network whitelist to allow the communication between the Aptify Servers and the BluePay Servers and process the transactions without any failure. Aptify Support can provide you with the list of applicable IP addresses.


Default Parameters of BluePay

The following are the default parameters sent by Aptify to BluePay while processing a payment (Auth/Sale):

  2. MODE



  5.  NAME1

  6. NAME2

  7. COMPANY_NAME (only for company Orders)

  8. IS_CORPORATE (only for company Orders)


  10. ADDR1

  11. ADDR2

  12. CITY

  13. STATE


  15. RRNO
  16. ORDER_ID (While tokenization of an order, the order ID value is associated with the transaction ID value.)

Be careful while adding the default parameters to the additional parameters tab. If you include any default parameter to the additional parameters tab, the default field value will be overwritten by the value provided in the additional parameter field.

Aditional Parameters of BluePay

The BluePay also provides the user with an ability to add the additional parameters to the default request which is sent while processing an order. If you wish to add any additional parameters other than mentioned in the Default Parameters in BluePay, see

Make sure you checkmark the 'Use Additional Parameters' checkbox to enable this functionality in the Aptify Merchant Account Record.               Additional_Parameter.png

Testing BluePay Payment Gateway 

For detailed information on how to test BluePay Payment Gateway, please visit 

  • Transactions are approved where the dollar amount is odd (e.g., $11 or $13.20)
  • Transactions are declined where the dollar amount is even (e.g., $10 or $20.11) 

To simulate a CVV check, you must use the Address Line 2 (ADDR2 field) - When a transaction is processed with MODE=TEST if the first character of ADDR2 (in the transaction request) is one of the possible CVV2 response codes, that value will be returned as the CVV2 response value.
_ = Unsupported on this network or transaction type
M = CVV2 Match
N = CVV2 did not match
P = CVV2 was not processed
S = CVV2 exists but was not input
U = Card issuer does not provide CVV2 service
X = No response from association 


Known Issues

Issue Workaround

In Aptify, if multiple payments are associated with an order, the total payment refund cannot be processed through Aptify Order Cancellation Wizard.

For example, if a $150 product has been purchased with three multiple payments ($50, $50 and $50)., the total amount ($150) on the order cannot be refunded through the Aptify Order Cancellation Wizard. The below error is also seen:KnownIssueTable.png


If an order associated with multiple payments needs to be refunded, the recommended approach is to cancel the order with the "keep on account" option on the Aptify Order Cancellation Wizard and then use the Aptify Payment Refund Wizard to refund the payments.


Credit Card to Token Migration

Once you've completed the installation, if you need assistance in migration of Credit Card information in your database to tokens, please follow the instructions here: Working with Credit Card to Token Migration Tool.

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