The Orders service (part of the Order Entry application) contains sample views of the following view types:
List Views
The following sample list views are contained in the Orders service:
All of the List views described in this section display an order's Order Lines in a view hierarchy.
- Last 7 Days
- Last 30 Days
- Open Backorders
- Overdue Orders
- Quotations
- Ready to Ship
- Recent Cancellations
- Recently Shipped
- Today's Orders
Last 7 Days
The Last 7 Days list view displays all orders placed within the last 7 days.
Note that paging is enabled to display only 1000 records per page.
Last 30 Days
The Last 30 Days list view displays all orders placed within the last 30 days.
Open Backorders
The Open Backorders list views display all backorders that have not yet been shipped.
Note that this view is only applicable to organizations that retain all General Ledger (GL) Accounts Receivable and Sales entries related to the entire order on the original order, where the Order Type is Back-Order for all backorders. An administrator can modify the view properties to filter for a different order type.
Overdue Orders
The Overdue Orders list view displays all orders that have a Promised On the date that is before today and have not yet been shipped.
The Quotations list view displays all quotation orders within the system.
Ready to Ship
The Ready to Ship list view displays all taken orders ready to be shipped.
Recent Cancellations
The Recent Cancellations list view displays all cancellation orders created in the Last 30 days.
Recently Shipped
The Recently Shipped list view displays all orders that have shipped in the last 30 days.
Today's Orders
The Today's Orders list view displays all orders taken today (i.e, that have an Order Date of today).
Chart Views
The following sample chart views are contained in the Orders service:
- # Orders By Source/Year
- # Orders By Year/Quarter
- Avg. Shipment Days
- By Status
- Comparative Quarterly Revenue
- Comparative Registration Revenue
- North American Revenue By Country
- Revenue By Order Source
- Revenue By Order Source
- Revenue By Quarter
- Revenue By Source/Year
- Revenue By Year
- Revenue By Year/Country
- Sales By Year/Quarter (Form)
# Orders By Source/Year
The # Orders By Source/Year chart view is a spline chart that displays the number of orders grouped by order source and year.
# Orders By Year/Quarter
The # Orders By Year/Quarter chart view is a stacked column chart that displays the number of orders grouped by year and quarter.
Avg. Shipment Days
The Avg. Shipment Days chart view is a spline chart that displays the average number of days between taking an order and shipping it, grouped by year.
By Status
The By Status chart view is a graphical representation of the number of orders grouped by order status (i.e. Taken, Shipped, Back-ordered, or Cancelled).
Comparative Quarterly Revenue
The Comparative Quarterly Revenue chart view is a graphical representation that compares year-over-year performance for the same quarters of each year.
Comparative Registration Revenue
The Comparative Registration Revenue chart view is a graphical representation of the quarterly revenue for the annual meeting product series that compares year-over-year -performance of the same quarters for each year.
Note that this view is only applicable for the sample data by default. An administrator can modify the view filter to point to an organization own base Meetings product for its annual meeting series.
North American Revenue By Country
The North American Revenue By Country chart view is a graphical representation of revenue over time for orders with a Bill To company located in North America.
Revenue By Country
The Revenue By Country chart view is a graphical representation of revenue grouped by country.
Revenue By Order Source
The Revenue By Order Source chart view is a 3-D pie chart that groups order revenue by the source of the order.
Revenue By Quarter
The Revenue By Quarter chart view is a graphical representation of revenue based on the calendar year quarter.
Revenue By Source/Year
The Revenue By Source/Year chart view is a spline chart that displays order revenue based on order source and year.
Revenue By Year
The Revenue By Year chart view is a graphical representation of order revenue by year.
Revenue By Year/Country
The Revenue By Year/Country chart view is a graphical representation of order revenue over time, grouped by Ship To Country.
Note that by default this view considers only orders with a Ship To Country of China, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Sales By Year/Quarter (Form)
The Sales By Year/Quarter chart view is a 3-D stacked bar chart that displays order revenue generated by Year and Quarter.
Note that this view can also be found on the Analysis tab of the Companies form (in which case it displays order results only for the current company).
Pivot Table Views
The following sample pivot tables are contained in the Orders service:
- Q2 2006: Revenue By Root Category
- Recent Cancellations by Product Type
- Revenue By Company Member Type
- Revenue By Person Member Type
- Revenue By Order Source
- Revenue By Title/Year (Publications)
Q2 2006: Revenue By Root Category
The Q2 2006: Revenue By Root Category pivot table displays order information based on the category of a product in an order line.
Note that this sample view includes a filter to consider only orders taken in Q2 2006.
Recent Cancellations by Product Type
The Recent Cancellations by Product Type pivot table displays order information by Product Type for cancellations processed in the last 30 days.
Revenue By Company Member Type
The Revenue By Company Member Type pivot table displays order information and total revenue based on the Member Type of an order's Bill To Company.
Revenue By Person Member Type
The Revenue By Person Member Type pivot table displays order information and total revenue based on the Member Type of an order's Bill To Person.
Revenue By Order Source
The Revenue By Order Source pivot table displays order information and total revenue by Order Source and Order Date.
Revenue By Title/Year (Publications)
The Revenue By Title/Year (Publications) pivot table displays order information and total revenue for all publication products in the system grouped by Title and Order Date.
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Using Common Features of the Viewing System
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