Sorting Views and View Folders in a Service

Users can define the order in which views and view folders appear within a service's navigation bar (or folder list) and main display window by using the Sort Ascending and Sort Depending options found in a service's context menu. 

When a user creates a new view or view folder within a service, the view is always added as the last item in the list. A user must re-sort the service again to refresh the order in which the views and folders are sorted.

Note Concerning Shared Views

When a user sorts the views and view folders within a service, views within a shared folder that he/she does not own are also sorted. However, the order of the views within shared folders that a user is connected to does not persist when the user logs out and logs back into Aptify (reverts back to the owner's view order). If a user wants to retain the order of the views within a shared folder, the user can copy the shared views (into a new folder) and modify the order as necessary. See Using Folders and Sharing Views for details.

Follow the steps below to sort the views and view folders within a service:

  1. Right-click the service within the Navigation Bar (or Folder List).
  2. Select from the following options:
    • Sort Ascending: Select this option if you want all views and view folders within the service to be sorted in ascending order (alphabetically).
    • Sort Descending: Select this option if you want all views and view folders within the service to be sorted in descending order (reverse alphabetically).

Companies Service with Views Sorted in Ascending Order

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