The Orders service (part of the Order Entry application) contains the following reports broken down by the following Report Wizard tabs:
- Accounting Tab Reports
- Customer Service Tab Reports
- Meetings Tab Reports
- Sales Tab Reports
- Shipping Tab Reports
Accounting Tab Reports
The Accounting tab contains the following Orders service reports:
- Aged Receivables Report
- Aged Receivables II Report
- A/R Trial Balance Account Report
- Customer Statement Report
- Customer Statement By Company Report
- Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) Report
- Invoice Report (Crystal Reports)
Invoice Report (SSRS)
- Invoice Register Report
- Product COGS Report
- Sales Journal Report
Aged Receivables Report
The Aged Receivables report displays the outstanding balance due for a set of orders and the number of days the payment is overdue as of the current date. Note that this report considers an order's payment schedule (if any) when determining the delinquency of an order's outstanding balance. Also, note that this report displays information on all orders in the source view even those that have been paid in full and have no balance due. This report includes the Company Name, Invoice Number, Order Date, Due Date, and Balance.
Aged Receivables II Report
The Aged Receivables II report displays the outstanding balance due for a set of orders and the number of days the payment is overdue as of the current date (based on the Payment Due Date specified on the order and any applicable payment schedules). Note that this report differs from the Aged Receivables I report in that it only displays information on those orders in the source view that has an outstanding balance due. If you create orders in the past with Due Dates in the past and leave them on P.O., running the report using Today (Today's Date) will display the orders.
A/R Trial Balance Account Report
The A/R Trial Balance Account report displays the outstanding balance due for a set of orders and the number of days the payment is overdue by comparing the order's Due Date with an As Of date entered by the user. If you create orders in the past with Due Dates in the past and leave them on P.O, running the report using Today (Today's Date) will return the orders. This report compares the As Of date against a Payments record's Effective Date to determine whether or not that payment amount should be deducted from the order total. Note that this report considers an order's payment schedule (if any) when determining the delinquency of an order's outstanding balance.
Customer Statement Report
The Customer Statement report displays all recent or open invoices by each customer including Company Name, Date, Due Date, Reference, Description, Paid Date, Amount, and Balance.
Customer Statement By Company Report
The Customer Statement by Company report generates an account statement for a company that includes a list of orders, the balance due, and the aggregate amount outstanding based on a payment's original due date.
Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) Report
The DSO Report displays information about the amount of money owed to the organization by its customers. The report segments order information by company and includes the number of days that an order's balance has remained unpaid.
Invoice Report (Crystal Reports)
The Invoice report generates an invoice for each order in the applicable view that can be printed and sent to the customer.
Note that this report has a placeholder section for an organization to add its name and address. A report writer using the full version of Crystal Reports can use the report provided by Aptify as a starting point for a new report that can then be added to the Aptify Object Repository and linked to the entity.
Invoice Report (SSRS)
The Invoice report generates an invoice for each order in the applicable view that can be printed and sent to the customer.
Note that this report has a placeholder section for an organization to add its name and address. A report writer using the full version of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) can use the report provided by Aptify as a starting point for a new report that can then be added to the Aptify Object Repository and linked to the entity.
Invoice Register Report
The Invoice Register report displays a list of invoices that are being distributed to customers. This report includes the invoice's BillToName, OrderDate, Invoice Number, and Balance. This report is typically used in conjunction with the Invoice Report to track the set of invoices that have been sent out to each customer and the amount each customer on the report owes.
Product COGS Report
The Product COGS report displays Cost of Goods Sold information for the products associated with shipped orders in the source view. For each product, this report displays the Product Name, Quantity, and Cost of Goods Sold Amount. The report also includes the Ship Date Range for the shipped orders in the source view.
Sales Journal Report
The Sales Journal Report displays a list of Sales by Sales GL account and month for orders that have been batched. This report includes the Date, Customer, Sales GL Account, Order ID, Product, Amount, and Discount.
Customer Service Tab Report
The Customer Service tab contains the following Orders service report:
Turn Around Time Report
The Turn Around Time Report displays the average turnaround time for product shipment including the Product Name, Order ID, Order Date, Ship Date, Turn Around Time, and Report Date.
Meetings Tab Reports
The Meetings tab contains the following Orders service reports:
Meeting Order Confirmation Report
The Meeting Order Confirmation report prepares a Meeting Confirmation receipt that can be sent to meeting registrants. It includes information concerning the meeting date, meeting location, and the amount paid to attend. Registrants that have cancelled or are on the waiting list will not appear in this report.
Note that this report has a placeholder section for an organization to add its name and address. A report writer using the full version of Crystal Reports can use the report provided by Aptify as a starting point for a new report that can then be added to the Aptify Object Repository and linked to the entity.
Meeting Registration Confirmation Report
The Meeting Registration Confirmation report provides the same functionality as the Meeting Order Confirmation Report but presents the meeting registration information in a different format.
Note that this report has a placeholder section for an organization to add its name and address. A report writer using the full version of Crystal Reports can use the report provided by Aptify as a starting point for a new report that can then be added to the Aptify Object Repository and linked to the entity.
Sales Tab Reports
The Sales tab contains the following sample Orders service reports:
- Customer Sales Report
- Sales Analysis Report
- Sales by Category and Topic Report
- Sales by Product Report
- Orders by Product Category Report
- Sales by Product Category Report
- Summary Sales Report
- World Sales Report
Customer Sales Report
The Customer Sales report displays a list of sales by the company including Company Name, Total, and Grand Total.
Sales Analysis Report
The Sales Analysis report displays a list of sales by product including Product Name, Quantity, and Revenue.
Sales by Category and Topic Report
The Sales by Category and Topic report displays sales by a Product's product category and the Topic field as well as a graphical representation of the sales by product category. This report includes Product Name, Topic, and Total Amounts. Note that the Topic field used to generate this report is based on selections made on each Products record's General > Details tab.
Sales by Product Report
The Sales by Product report displays the quantity and amount of each product sold within the Orders in the source view.
Orders by Product Category Report
The Sales by Product Category report sorts the source orders in the view by the product and product category. This report includes Report Date, Product Category, Product, Order ID, Quantity, and Amount.
Sales by Product Category Report
The Sales By Product Category report is a graphical representation of sales categorized by product categories including Product Category, Gross Sales, Net Sales, Percent of Sales amounts, and the Grand Total.
Summary Sales Report
The Summary Sales report is a summary of all orders in the source view sorted by company.
World Sales Report
The World Sales Report is a graphical representation of sales broken down by Country.
Note that this report has a placeholder section for an organization to add its own name or logo. A report writer using the full version of Crystal Reports can use the report provided by Aptify as a starting point for a new report that can then be added to the Aptify Object Repository and linked to the entity.
Shipping Tab Reports
The Shipping tab contains the following sample Orders service reports:
- Pick and Pack List (I) Report
- Pick and Pack List (II) Report
- Pick and Pack List w/Kits Report
- Pick List with Lines Report
Pick and Pack List (I) Report
The Pick and Pack List (I) report is a document that can be included in a shipping package to notify the recipient of the shipment's contents (including any back ordered items that were ordered by not included in the shipment).
Pick and Pack List (II) Report
The Pick and Pack List (II) report is an alternate version of the Pick and Pack List (I) Report. The Pick and Pack List (II) includes additional underlying to identify where shipping clerks can handwrite additional details (such as Packed By, etc.).
Pick and Pack List w/Kits Report
The Pick and Pack List w/Kits report is a pick and pack form that includes information on kit sub product order lines. The report displays the Order ID, Main Address, and Billing Address, Kit Products, as well as other information found on an Orders record.
Pick List with Lines Report
The Pick List w/Lines report is another alternate Pick and Pack report. See Pick and Pack List (I) Report.
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