Purchasing a Membership as a Company Administrator

A Company Administrator can enroll new members on the e-Business site. This feature is available from the Company Administrator's Manage Company landing page. The subsequent enrollment page displays details of non-members only. Company Administrators can select the person(s) they want to purchase memberships for, what type of membership, and specify each membership's individual auto-renewal status.

Complete the steps below to place a membership order as Company Admin with e-Business 6.x/7.x website:

  1. Log in to the e-Business website with Company Admin credentials.
  2. On the menu bar, select Manage Company tab, the Company Admin Dashboard opens.
  3. Select the company to manage from the Switch Company drop-down/Company list drop-down on the top right corner. See Switching between Multiple Companies for more details.
    Knockout Interface - Company Admin Dashboard
    React Interface - Company Admin Dashboard
  4. Click Purchase Membership to proceed to Enroll New Members. This page only displays details for non-members. Company Administrators have the ability to select the person(s) they want to purchase memberships for, the type of membership, and specify each membership's individual auto-renewal status.
  5. Find the persons with the search text box or use Sorting radio button/Up and down arrows to sort the names according to the categories.
  6. If you want to purchase the same type of membership for multiple persons, select the type of Membership from the Select Product drop-down menu in the column header. 
    • By default, the Select Product drop-down menu only shows individual membership products; that is, membership products tied to a Member Type with DefaultType set to Persons.
  7. Select the name of the person you want to purchase a new Membership for. To modify the type of membership for the selected person, click the select product drop-down in front of the person's name.
  8. Select the Auto Renew option for the membership, by default auto-renewal option is not selected.
    Knockout Interface - Enroll New Members page
    React Interface - Enroll New Members page
  9. Click Proceed to Checkout to navigate to the Company’s Cart OR Click My Company Cart option located on the top right corner of the website.
    1. The Cart window displays the details of the membership products added for the selected persons. 
    2. The Cart Summary section displays the Grand Total, Total Savings, Subtotal, Tax, Shipping, Handling and Total charges of an order.
  10. If you have an offer or discount coupon, enter the coupon code in the Add Coupon box and click Apply Coupon
  11. Verify the Order details and select Proceed to Checkout.

    Knockout Interface - Cart page
    React Interface - Cart page

    To remove the individual items from the cart click RemoveTo delete all the items from the cart click Remove All Items.

  12. In the Select Shipping and Billing options section, select the Billing Address and the Shipping Address.  To modify an address click Edit Address icon; to remove the address from the list, click Delete Address icon present at the right side of the address. User can also select the Shipment Type from the Select Shipping Method drop-down to calculate Shipping and Handling charges.

    Select Shipping address same as Billing address checkbox if the shipping address is same as the billing address.

  13. To add a new address, click Add New Address. Add New Address window appears, fill in the details and click Add button. 
    Knockout Interface - Select Shipping and Billing options page
    React Interface - Select Shipping and Billing options page
  14. Click Next
  15.  In the Review your Order section, review the Billing Address, Shipping Address, and the Purchased Items before you proceed for the payment. Click Change button to change the address.
    Knockout Interface - Review your order page
    React Interface - Review your order page
  16. Click Proceed to Payment
  17.  In the Choose your payment method, choose one of the below payment methods to place your order.
    1. Saved Payment Method:
      • If you are using an existing saved Credit Card, select the credit card entry, and then enter the CVV number and click Place Order button.
      • If you are using a saved Bank Account, click Place Order button against the Bank Account.
    2. Credit Card Payment: If you choose to use a new card, enter the Card Number, along with CVV number, CC expiry month, year and click Place Order button.

      Knockout Interface - Choose your payment method page
      React Interface - Choose your payment method page

      Select Save for Future Use checkbox to store the credit card information.

    3. Bill Me Later: Enter the PO number and click Place Order button.

    4. Bank Account (ACH): Enter the Bank Account Number, along with Routing Number, Account Holder's Name, Bank Name, and click Place Order button.

    5. GPay: Expand the GPay option, 'Pay with GPay' button appears. Click 'Pay with GPay', a Google Payment Form is displayed. If you are already logged in your Google account in browser, it directly displays the list of Payments which are on your GPay.
      If you are not already logged in with Google account, it prompts you to login to your Google account, after login a list of Cards on your Google Pay account is displayed.

    6. Advanced PayPal: To make payment using PayPal, expand Advanced PayPal option and click Pay By Advanced PayPal button. Enter the card details and proceed with payment. For more information, refer to "Making payments using PayPal eCommerce in e-Business 7.x" section of Integrating PayPal eCommerce with Aptify document.

      Select Save for Future Use checkbox to store the bank account information.

  18. An Order Confirmation page appears with the details of the order. An email notification is sent to the registered email address. To send the receipt to multiple recipients, enter email addresses of all the recipients separated by comma in the Email receipt to additional person(s) text box and click Email Receipt.

    Knockout Interface - Order Confirmation page
    React Interface - Order Confirmation page


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