Disabling attachment records for global search

Many clients do not require the ability to search through attachments as part of Aptify Web’s quick/universal search however by default it’s enabled in the stock product and for many of those clients the Full Text Index on attachment takes a lot of database space. To address this situation follow the instructions given below:

  1. Go to Desktop(Smart) Client.

  2. Click on Search Configuration services under the web services application.

  3. Open Shell config record.

  4. Under the Entities tab of shell config record, delete Attachments record.

  5. Save the record.

  6. Go to Full text Indexes services under Framework application and open Attachment record.

  7. Uncheck the Enabled checkbox under Attachment record.

  8. Save the record.

  9. Run the HTML5 Web UI Part Metadata Items Generator.

  10. Open Aptify Web and search in global search.

Expected Result

Global Search should work smoothly.

There is one store procedure which is getting called for attachment which is named as spSearchConfigurationShell_FullText_Attachments in which one index view is used named idxVwAttachmentSearch1. Currently, we are deleting the record from where the store procedure is getting called, but if in case you want to perform some other scenarios you can modify this store-procedure accordingly.

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