About the Education Management Forms for Aptify LMS

This topic provides field-by-field information on forms in Aptify Education Management that are updated by the addition of the Aptify Learning Management System (LMS) add-on. This topic is intended for use as a reference when you need to fill out all or part of these Education Management forms.

For information on performing Education Management processes, or to learn how to set up Education Management for your organization, see Using Education Management.

The related forms are documented in alphabetical order. Within each form, tabs are also addressed in alphabetical order. Note that the fields marked as required in this appendix are required at the entity level. In some cases, a required field may already have a default value, so a user does not need to specify a value for these fields before saving the record. To review the list of fields required at the entity level, open the appropriate Service Properties dialog (by right clicking the service in the Navigation Bar and selecting Properties) and click the Fields tab.

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