The Education Management application can integrate with e-Business to share class information and content over the web. Aptify e-Business sample site includes an Education portal that includes the following features:
- Displays course and class information online
- Allows online registration
- Provides interactive class content
- Notes
- Discussion Forums
- Documents
- Provides an Instructor Center for teachers to manage class content
This topic contains sub-topics that describe the following features of the e-Business Education portal:
- Enabling Course Content Online
- Displaying Class Content Online
- Viewing Course Information Online
- Registering for Classes and Viewing Class Information Online
- Viewing Your Progress Against a Curriculum
- Submitting CEU Requests
- Accessing the Instructor Center
The functionality described in this topic requires Aptify e‐Business. Note that the images in this chapter are from an Aptify e‐Business 4.5 website, although the functionality in later versions of Aptify 5.0 are identical.
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