The Commission Payment Detail Adjustment record is accessible from the Adjustments tab of the Commission Payments record. If a Commission Payment Detail Adjustment record does not exist, select the Make New Adjustment button on the Adjustments tab to open a new Commission Payment Detail Adjustment record.
Entry Type (read-only)
The default selection is Adjustment.
Sales Representative (read-only)
The Sales Representative field stores the sales representative name selected. The field populates with the last sales representative selected in the Sales Rep tree on the left-hand side of the Commission Payments record's Details tab.
Product Information
Product Type (read-only)
The Product Type field is either product or product category. The field populates with the last plan item selected in the Sales Rep tree on the left-hand side of the Commission Payments record's Details tab.
Product/Product Category (read-only)
The Product/Product Category field is labeled based on the value populated in the Product Type field. The name of the product or product category displays in this field.
Original Payment Information
Payment (read-only)
The Payment field contains the Commission Payments record with which this adjustment is associated.
Original Detail Item (read-only)
The Original Detail Item field displays the details of the payment selected in the Payment field.
Adjustments Tab
The Adjustments tab contains the Commission Payment Detail Adjustments records. Each record contains the amount for the adjustment that is added or subtracted from the commission payments. The Total Adjustments line on the main Commission Payments form displays the total amounts from all the Commission Payment Detail Adjustments records.
Comments Tab
The Comments tab contains any comments relevant to the record.
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