About Batching Payments

Payments received by the organization are batched into Payment Batches. When making a batch, the user creates a view of the payments to batch. The view criterion usually defines a Payment Date no later than the last date being batched. Placing a limit on the start date of the batch is not recommended because this can cause transactions that may have been excluded from previous batch periods to be overlooked. The batch wizard automatically excludes records from the current batch that have already been included in other batches.

This topic shows an example of three payments and how they are batched.

The first payment in the example has generated GL entries as shown below. The payment is for Order ID 100 described in About Batching Orders; the order total is $10.

GL Entries for Payment on Order ID 100 (Payment ID 100):







Accounts Receivable



The second payment in the example has generated GL entries as shown below for a different simple payment. The payment is for an order worth $50.

GL Entries for Payment ID 102:







Accounts Receivable



The third payment in the example is for a returned item that was paid for with Payment ID 102. The return creates a reversal of entries that reimburses the customer for the $50.

Electronic Payment Transaction Process Diagram




Accounts Receivable






Continuing the example, Payment IDs 100, 102, and 103 are batched together into Batch ID 300. In Aptify, the Batches record shows detail GL entries for all the payments included in the batch as shown below.

Detail for Payment Batch ID 300:

 Accounts Receivable















When payment batch information is exported to the accounting system, the GL entry information is aggregated per GL account. The net impact of positive and negative amounts is aggregated to produce a net amount. Continuing the example, the chart below shows the aggregate payment batch information that is exported for Payment Batch 300.

GL Entries for Payment Batch ID 300:

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