About the Award Management Shared Views

The built-in Aptify sa user account includes shared folders for the Awards Granted and Awards Nominated services. These folders contain the views described in this section and are accessible by any user.

See Using Folders and Sharing Views for information on connecting to shared folders and working with shared views. Also, note that users who are using a copy of the CRM User profile are subscribed to these shared folders by default.

The Award Management application includes shared views for the following services:

About the Awards Granted Views

By default, the sa user in Aptify includes a shared folder of the Awards Granted service that contains three shared views:

  • Award Granted by Company: This is a list view that displays each person who has received an award sorted by Company.
  • Awards Granted by Year: This is a chart view that displays the total number of awards and incentives granted by the organization by year.
  • Awards Granted by Type: This is a pie chart that displays the total number of awards and incentives granted by award type.

About the Awards Nominated Views

By default, the sa user in Aptify includes a shared folder of the Awards Nominated service that contains two shared views:

  • Pending Nominations: This list view displays Awards Nominated records for persons who have been nominated for an award and whose approval status is still pending.

  • Award Status: This bar chart view displays the status of award nominations by award type. The default status types are Approved, Pending and Rejected.

Related Topics

Defining Award Types

Tracking Award Nominations

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