About the Module Licenses

This topic describes the available Aptify Module Licenses.



When assigning Module Licenses, you must assign a user a CRM license in order to also assign the user a license to one or more add-on modules.

CRM License

This license provides a user with access to Aptify's standard Business Applications. This is every business application in Aptify with the exception of the add-on modules, described later in this section. It includes applications such as Customer Management, Organization Management, Order Entry, and Product Setup & Maintenance. Each user must be assigned a CRM license if your organization is using any of Aptify's standard Business Application functionality.

Advertising License

This license provides a user with access to the Advertising Management add-on application.

Commissions License

This license provides a user with access to the Commission and Royalty Management add-on application.

Education License

This license provides a user with access to the Education Management add-on application.

Fundraising License

This license provides a user with access to the Fundraising Management add-on application.

e-Business License

This license provides access to the Aptify e-Business Suite.

LMS License

This license provides access to the Aptify Learning Management System (LMS) add-on application.

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