Recording Opportunity Status Reports

A sales manager may ask account executives to submit periodic status reports to provide management with an update on the outlook for a particular opportunity. This type of information is tracked in the Status Reports service in Aptify.

Follow these steps to create a new status report:

  1. Open the Opportunities record, if not already opened.
  2. Select the Status Reports tab.
  3. Click the New icon in the toolbar to open a new Status Report record.
    • The Opportunity field populates automatically with the name of the opportunity from which you opened the new Status Report.
    • You can also open a new Status Report from the Status Reports service. In this case, you must specify the appropriate opportunity in the Opportunity link box.
  4. Enter the report date in the Date Of Report field. Today's date appears in this field by default for new records.
  5. Enter a summary of the opportunity's current status in the Summary Of Status field.
  6. Provide information about the activity that has occurred since the last status report in the Activity Since Last Report field.
  7. Detail any open action items for the opportunity in the Current Action Items field.
  8. If applicable, describe any change in your approach to the opportunity in the Strategy To Move Forward field.
  9. Enter your employee name in the Filed By field. This field links to the Employees service.

  10. Save and close the Status Report.
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