About the Meetings User Shortcuts

The Meetings User profile includes a set of shortcuts that provide instant access to the information in Aptify that is of interest to members of an organization's Meetings/Events department. The shortcuts appear in three groups:

General Shortcuts

  • Find Meeting by Name: A prompt view to locate a Meetings record based on meeting title. It includes view hierarchies for meeting sessions, resources, speakers, and sponsors.
  • Find Meeting by ID: A prompt view to locate a Meetings record based on MeetingID. It includes view hierarchies for meeting sessions, resources, speakers, and sponsors.
  • Registrations by Meeting: A prompt view to load a particular meeting’s registration information in an Aptify pivot table.
  • Resources by Meeting: A prompt view to display the resources assigned to a particular meeting.
  • Active Registrants by Meeting: A Persons service prompt view to display the list of people currently registered for a particular meeting.
  • Speaker by Meeting: A Persons service prompt view to display the list of people who are listed as speakers for a particular meeting.

Meetings User Shortcuts

Searches Shortcuts

  • Find Person by Name: A prompt view to locate a Persons record based on a person’s first and last name.
  • Find Person by Company: A prompt view to locate all people affiliated with a particular company.
  • Find Company by Name: A prompt view to locate a Companies record by company name.
  • Find Order by ID: A prompt view to locate an Orders record based on its ID.

Historical Information Shortcuts

  • Past Meetings: A list view of meetings that have occurred in the past with view hierarchies for meeting sessions, resources, speakers, and sponsors.
  • Resources by Type: A view of all resources tracked in Aptify sorted by Resource Type.


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