About the Cultures Form

This service contains a list of cultures for which the system supports localized content. See Using Localization Administration for details.

Cultures Form

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Cultures record.

General Tab

Name (Required)

The name of the culture.


An optional description of the culture.

Code (Required)

The code that corresponds to this culture. Typically, the code is in this format, as defined in RFC 3066:

  • language code (lower case) - country code (upper case)

For example, the code for the English language Base Culture is en, and the code for the U.S. English sub-culture is en-US.

Base Culture

If this culture is a sub-culture of another culture, enter the parent culture in the Base Culture field. Typically, languages are Base Cultures, and any country specific dialect is a sub-culture.

Address Form Template (Required)

This field specifies the form template used to display addresses for users who are linked to this culture.

Phone Form Template (Required)

This field specifies the form template used to display phone numbers for users who are linked to this culture.


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