About the Dashboard Areas Form

The Dashboards Areas form defines dashboard area properties such as style and back color.

Dashboard Areas Form

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Dashboard Areas record.

General Tab


The Name field holds the name of the Dashboard Area.


The Description field stores the description of the Dashboard Area.


The Dashboard field stores the Dashboard that the Dashboard Area belongs to. The field links to the Dashboards service.


This parameter determines the layout of parts within this area. The options are Top-Bottom, Bottom-Top, Left-Right, and Right-Left. Top-Bottom is the default style.

Left Pos

The number of pixels the area is positioned from the left side of the dashboard. The default value is 0.

Left Anchor

Choose between Fixed, Proportional, or Linked Anchor types. If set to Fixed, the Left Pos value applies. If set to Linked Anchor, the Left Anchor Area value applies. The Proportional option is reserved for future use.

Left Anchor Area

This field links to another record in the Dashboard Areas service.

Top Pos

The number of pixels the area is positioned from the top of the dashboard. The default value is 0.

Top Anchor

Choose between Fixed, Proportional, or Linked Anchor types. If set to Fixed, the Top Pos value applies. If set to Linked Anchor, the Top Anchor Area value applies. The Proportional option is reserved for future use.

Top Anchor Area

Positions the area to the bottom of a specified anchor area.


The width of the area, specified in pixels. The default value is 400.

Width Proportion

Enter the proportion of the dashboard area width. It covers based on the size of the dashboard. For example, if you set the proportional growth at 0.5 (from 0 to 1), the area will fill half the horizontal space of the dashboard.

Resize Width

Resize Width determines the mode for resizing the width of the area when the dashboard is resized. It supports the following:

  • None: Width value applies (default).
  • Proportional Growth: Width proportion applies.
  • Fill: The area fills the available space in the dashboard automatically.


The height of the area, specified in pixels. The default value is 600.

Height Proportion

Enter the proportion of the dashboard area height. It covers based on the size of the dashboard. For example, if you set the proportional growth at 0.5 (from to 1), the area will fill half the vertical space of the dashboard.

Resize Height

Resize Height determines the mode for resizing the height of the area when the dashboard is resized. It supports the following:

  • None: Height value applies (default).
  • Proportional Growth: Height proportion applies.
  • Fill: The area fills the available space in the dashboard automatically.

Back Color

This is the background color for the dashboard area. The system converts the color selected by the user to its corresponding ARGB value. 


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