About the Delivered Event Handlers

Aptify includes the following standard event handlers, which are provided either for demonstration purposes or as part of the system's standard functionality. See each individual description for more information. The event handlers appear in ID order based on ID assignments in a standard Aptify installation.

  • Send Message Run After Save (Message Runs entity): This Event Handler automatically fires the Send Message Run process flow to generate and send email messages each time a user saves a Message Runs record. This Event Handler is Active by default.

  • Compile Process Flow After Process Flow Saved (Process Flows entity): This Event Handler automatically fires the Compile Process Flow process flow to compile and recompile process flows into VB.NET objects. See Using the Process Flow Compiler for details. This Event Handler is Active by default.

  • Expand Single Scheduled Transaction Group After Record Created (Scheduled Transaction Groups entity): When a user performs an operation that generates a new Scheduled Transaction Group (such as saving an order that includes a deferred income product), this Event Handler fires the Expand Single Scheduled Transaction Group process flow to automatically expand the group into its corresponding Scheduled Transactions records. Note that this Event Handler is not Active by default. For testing and demonstration environments, you can mark this Event Handler as Active to enable it. Aptify recommends that you do not enable this Event Handler in a production environment (as it defaults the purpose of creating a Scheduled Transaction Group in the first place, which is to provide greater efficiency during the order save process).

  • Populate Company Directory Sort, Directory Letter, and Abbreviated Name Before Save (Companies entity): This Event Handler automatically fires the Company DirSort & Abbreviated Name Flowdown process flow before a user saves a new Companies record or before a user saves an existing Companies record with a modified Name field. This Event Handler is Active by default.

  • Send Order Confirmation After Order Create Completed (Orders entity): This Event Handler automatically fires the Send Order Confirmation process flow to send out an email confirmation and order summary to the Ship To person after a user saves a new Orders record. Note that this Event Handler is not Active by default, so this functionality is disabled.

  • Send Shipment Confirmation Email When Order Shipped (Orders entity): This Event Handler automatically fires the Send Shipment Confirmation Email process flow after a user saves an order as shipped to send out a shipping notice via email to the Ship To person. Note that this Event Handler is not Active by default, so this functionality is disabled.

  • Generate Opportunity History Before Save (Opportunities entity): This Event Handler automatically fires the Generate Opportunity History process flow before an Opportunities record is saved. This Event Handler is Active by default.

  • Populate Referral Request Vendors Before Save (Referral Requests entity): This Event Handler automatically fires the Populate Referral Request Vendors process flow before a Referral Requests record is saved. This Event Handler is Active by default.

  • Expo Create Priority Points When Expo Orders Ship (Orders entity): This Event Handler automatically fires the Expo Create Priority Points process flow when an order that has one or more order lines for an Expo product ship. Note that this Event Handler is not Active by default. An organization should only enable it if it uses Priority Points and wants the system to automatically calculate a vendor's accumulated points for the Expo Management application.

  • Sync Floorplan with Booth Change After Order Save Completed (Orders entity): This Event Handler automatically fires the Sync Floorplan with Booth Change process flow when an order has been saved. Note that this Event Handler is not Active by default. An organization should only enable it if it integrates Aptify with a third-party Floorplan System (such as ExpoCAD) for booth management.

  • Send Mail to Contact Before Committing a Save Transaction for a Cases Record (Cases entity): This Event Handler automatically fires the Send Mail to Contact process flow during the save process for a Cases record. Note that this Event Handler is not Active by default.

  • Send Mail to Primary Assignee Before Committing a Save Transaction for a Cases Record (Cases entity): This Event Handler automatically fires the Send Mail to PrimaryAssignee process flow during the save process for a Cases record. Note that this Event Handler is not Active by default.
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