About the Process Flow Steps Form

Each step in a process flow contains detailed information that defines the step's functionality. Each step may be based upon an existing process component within Aptify, based on a subprocess, or built from a code-based rule. Note that each step can only be associated with one process flow.

Also, in general, a user does not need to open individual Process Flow Steps records. All of the step configuration can be performed using the Process Flow Designer.

Process Flow Steps Form

Top Section

Name (required)

The name of the process flow step.


The description of the process flow step.

Process Flow (required)

The process flow associated with this step. This field is linked to the Process Flows service.

Action Map Tab

Each process component within Aptify is built so that execution may result in one or more results. For example, a Send email component may have two expected outcomes: Mail Sent or Failed. These results are listed in the Result Codes tab on Process Components and Process Flows records.

The Action Map tab inherits a list of all the result codes specified for the component or subprocess selected on the step's General tab.

Typically, you configure a step's Action Map tab directly within the Process Flow Designer.

Action Map Tab

Result Code (read-only)

The name of the action. This value is inherited from the result codes defined for the component or sub-process selected on the step's General tab.

Description (read-only)

The description of the result code.


Each Result code can either end the process flow or continue the processing to another process flow step. The value selected in the Action field determines which course to take. Standard values are:

  • Go to Step: The process flow continues to the step selected in the Go To Step field if this result is achieved.
  • End Process: The process flow ends once this result is achieved.

Go to Step

This field is only applicable if Action is set to Go to Step. An ellipsis (...) button displayed on the field allows the user to select the next Process Flow Steps record to run if this result code is the result returned by the current step. Note that only steps that are associated with the same Process Flows record appear in the Next Step link box.

Process Flow Result Code

This field is only applicable if Action is set to End Process. Enter a corresponding result code from the associated Process Flow's Result Codes tab in this field.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Process Flow Steps record. The tab becomes available after the record is saved for the first time.

General Tab

Type (required)

This field indicates the type of step created. Steps may be based on Components, Rules, or Sub-Processes. The default value is Component.

Process Component

This field is applicable only when Type is set to Component. It links to the Process Components service.

Sub Process Flow

This field is applicable only when Type is set to Sub-Process. This links to the Process Flows service, linking the step to an existing process flow. This step calls an existing process flow instead of a component, allowing more complicated process flows to take advantage of simpler process flows already created.

(Rule) Textbox

This unlabeled field is applicable only when Type is set to Rule. A user enters the text of the step's rule in this field.

Rule Type (required)

The type of rule used. Choices are VBScript or SQL. The default is VBScript. This field is applicable only when Type is set to Rule. See Administering Scripts for information on writing scripts in Aptify.

Input Map Tab

The Input Map lists the data that the step expects to receive from the system so it can function as expected.

If either Component or Sub-Process are chosen on the General tab, the Input Maps tab inherits a list which mirrors the Input Properties defined on the component or sub-process selected. If the Type field on the General tab is set to Rule, input maps may only be manually defined.

Double-click an input map to open the Edit Mapping dialog.

Input Map Tab

Input Property

The name of the input property. Typically, this field is read-only and inherited from the input properties defined on the component or sub-process selected on the General tab. For rule-based steps, a user manually can manually create a new input map and specify an input property name.


Indicates whether the input property is required. Values are True or False.

Source Type

Source Type indicates where the Input map data comes from. The available values are Static Value, Context Object, and Formula.


This field holds the actual source of the data for the Input Map. The information that goes in this field is determined by the value chosen in the Source Type field.

  • Source Type of Context Object: The Source field automatically populates with the list of input properties defined on the Process Flow's Input Properties Tab. Select the appropriate input property from the list. Note that an error message appears if you have either not assigned a Process Flow to this step or if the specified Process Flow does not have any Input Properties configured.
  • Source Type of Static Value: The source is set to an alphanumeric string. This value takes precedence over any value entered for this Input Property later in the process flow.
  • Source Type of Formula: The source is a SQL statement that extracts the required information from the database to fulfill this Input Map.


The Comments field contains any additional details relevant to the input map.

Output Map Tab

This tab lists all data returned by the step and where it is to be stored. The behavior varies depending on the step's type:

  • Type of Component: The tab inherits a list which mirrors all the output properties defined for the process component specified on the step's General tab.
  • Type of Sub-Process: The tab inherits a list which mirrors all the output properties defined on the Process Flows record chosen in the Sub-Process field on the General tab.
  • Type of Rule: No output properties are inherited, and none may be manually created.

While no Output properties may be added or deleted, each individual Output Property record may be modified directly in the grid.

Output Map

Output Property (read-only)

The name of the Output Property record.

Destination Type

The destination type determines how data returned is to be processed. Available options are:

  • Context Object: Indicates that the data returned is added to the process flow's context object for use by another step later in the process flow.
  • Log: Indicates that the data returned is captured in a log, and not used for further processing.


The destination for data returned:

  • Destination Type of Context Object: The name of the data as it is stored in the Context Object.
  • Destination Type of Log: The network mapping of the log location.


The Comments field contains any additional details relevant to the output property.

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