The logic defined by the process component may result in the production of data. This data may be returned to an external log or stored back within the Context Object for use during the execution of a process flow. Data returned upon successful completion of the component's functionality is defined as output properties.
Follow these steps to add an output property to a component:
- Open a new record from the Output Properties tab of the Process Components form.
- Enter the Name of the output property.
- Enter a Description of the output property.
- Select the property's data type from the Type list.
- The Type options are String, Integer, Long, Decimal, Date/Time, Boolean, and Object.
- Typically, an output property corresponds to a Field value from an entity so the Type should match the Field's SQL Data Type as defined in the entity.
- If you want to customize the way an output property is viewed, you can define a property viewer on the Property Page tab. See Defining Process Flow Input Properties for an example of an input property using a customize viewer.
- Note that if a custom property user interface is defined for process component as a whole, the property viewer defined on this tab for the single property will be ignored. See Using the Generate Data Mapper Process Component Wizard for more information about customer property sheets.
- See About the Output Properties Form for more information about the fields on this tab.
- Click OK to save and close the record.
- Repeat steps 1 through 5 to define additional output properties.
- Alternatively, you can select OK and New in Step 6 to close the current record and open a new Output Properties record in one step.
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