Creating the Wizards Record

Follow these steps to create a new Wizards record for a metadata wizard:

  1. Open a new record from the Wizards service, which appears in the Aptify Framework Administration application by default.
  2. Enter a Name for the wizard. This name will appear in the caption for the wizard screen if a Name Culture String is not specified.
  3. If using localization, specify a Name Culture String for the wizard. See Using Localization Administration.
  4. Enter a Description for the wizard.
  5. If using localization, specify a Description Culture String to localize the wizard's description text. See Using Localization Administration.
  6. Enter the Target Entity.
    • This is the entity on whose records the wizard will operate. For example, if you are designing a wizard that will create new Opportunities records, the Target Entity is Opportunities.  

      New Wizards Form
  7. Save the Wizards record.
  8. Configure the options on the User Experience tab. See Defining the Wizard User Experience Tab.
  9. Define the wizard's Scope to determine from where users can launch this wizard. See Defining the Wizard Scope Tab.
  10. If applicable, specify information about the Help file created for this wizard. See Linking the Wizard to a Help File.
  11. You must specify the supported user interface platforms for this wizard. See Defining the Wizard UI Platforms Tab.
  12. Define the steps for the wizard. See Defining Wizard Pages.
  13. If applicable, specify any process flows that should fire when the wizard is completed or cancelled. See Defining When Process Flows are Run for a Wizard.


See About the Advanced Wizard Options for information on advanced options to modify a wizard's default behavior and/or appearance.

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