Setting Up One-To-Many Filter Relationships

In a one-to-many relationship, the base entity record can be linked to many related entity records, but the related entity record may only be linked to one base entity record. For example, an organization require the ability to search for persons who are the Ship To persons for orders taken. One person may be the ShipTo person for many orders, but each order has only one ShipTo person, which indicates that this must be a one-to-many relationship.

To provide this ability, a filter relationship is configured for the Persons entity to allow the user to use the ShipToID column from the Orders entity to filter a Persons view. This relationship is designed to allow the user to filter on orders where the ShipToID equals PersonID. The Persons entity includes this filter relationship by default.

A second example of a one-to-many relationship is the association between dashboard areas and dashboard parts. A dashboard area can have many dashboard parts, but a dashboard part can only be associated with one dashboard area.

Follow these steps to create this type of one-to-many filter relationship:

  1. Open a new Relationships form from the Entities form for the base entity (located in the entity's Configuration > Filter Relationships tab).
    • For example, open a new Relationships form for the Dashboard Areas entity.

      One-to-Many Filter Relationship
  2. Select the Related Entity from the list (such as the Dashboard Parts entity). Once this is selected, the Related Field list populates with all fields in the entity specified as the Related Entity.
  3. Select the Related Field. This is the field in the related entity that is linked to the base entity (such as the DashboardAreaID field in the Dashboard Parts entity that links parts to areas).
  4. Set the Relationship Type to One-To-Many.
  5. Enter a description. This description displays in the list of related entities when setting up a filtered view or search for the base entity.
  6. Click OK to close the Relationships form, then save the Entities record.


One-to-many relationships are also known as direct relationships, because the two entities have a direct link. In the example shown in the figure above, the DashboardAreaID field in the Dashboard Parts entity, which is designated as the Related Field, maps directly to the ID field in the Dashboard Areas entity. 

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