Creating a New Object Type

There are generally two situations where a new object type is created:

  • To allow the easy grouping and categorization of files that are stored on the server.
  • To group specific files that need to be registered in a different way than other files in the other object types.

Follow these steps to create a new object type:

  1. Open a new record from the Object Types service.
  2. Enter a Name and Description for the new Object Types record.
  3. Select the Auto Register option if you need to register the file with Windows using the command specified in the RegCmd field.
  4. In the RegCmd field, enter the Windows command necessary to correctly register the file of this object type (for example, Gacutil.exe adds a shared assembly to the .NET Global Assembly Cache).
  5. Enter the Default Access Method for the objects of this object type (i.e., DBBlob).

     Object Types Record
  6. Save and close the Object Types record.
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