Creating Object Repository Objects

Object Repository Objects records the store information about objects used in Aptify. This includes the object type, access method, where the object is to be downloaded, the object's current version, and date when the object was last updated. Object Repository Object records are used for all types of objects, including text files and .NET assemblies.

The system automatically adds information about the file, such as the date the file was last updated, the version number of the file, and the size of the file in bytes, to the appropriate fields on the Object Repository Objects record. These fields should not be updated manually.

There are two ways to create new Object Repository Objects records:

Creating Objects from the Object Repository Objects Service

Perform the following steps to create objects from the Object Repository Objects service:

  1. Open a new Object Repository Objects record from the Object Repository Objects service.
  2. Enter a Name and Description for the new object.
  3. Enter the name of the Object Package where the object will be stored in the Package field.
  4. Enter the Object Type and Object Access Method.
    • If you enter the Object Type before the Object Access Method, the system automatically sets the method based on the default access method defined for the object type selected. 
  5. Enter the Download Path for the object.
    • This path identifies the directory where the object is stored when it is retrieved from the object repository. Any directory path may be entered by clicking on the folder icon and navigating to the desired directory. Certain keyword locations have been configured in Aptify to be used instead of entering an entire directory path. These keyword locations include:
      • <DefaultPath>: This is the default download path for repository objects. For Aptify 6.0, this defaults to C:\Program Files\Aptify 6.0.
      • <PackagePath>: This keyword location indicates that the download path for the specified object package will be used.
      • <ObjectContextPath>: The path indicated in the Download Path field of the context object specified for the object package selected.
      • <WindowsPath>: This indicates that files will be downloaded to the computer's Windows directory. This option is not currently supported.
      • <WindowsSystemPath>: This indicates that files will be downloaded to the computer's Windows system directory. This option is not currently supported.
      • <AptifyExplorerPath>: This indicates the location where the Aptify client was installed on the computer. This option is not currently supported.
      • <WindowsTempPath>: This path indicates that files will be downloaded to the computer's temp directory. This option is not currently supported.
      • <UserProfilePath>: This path is the current user's profile directory. This option is not currently supported. 
  6. Click the page button to the right of the Local Filename field. This displays the Select File dialog box, which is used to locate the file to be stored in the object repository. Navigate to the location of the file, select it and click Open.  
    Object Repository Objects Record
  7. Save the Object Repository Objects record.

Creating Objects from a Repository Object Field in a Record

If a record has a field that uses the Repository Object extended type, the repository icon appears to the right of the field (as shown in the figure below).

Repository Object Field Example
Clicking this button opens the Select Object Repository Object dialog, as shown in the figure below. You use this dialog to locate the repository object that you want to link to this field. You can also use this dialog to add new objects to the repository, as necessary.

Select Object Repository Object Dialog

Follow these steps to use the Select Object Repository Object dialog to add a new object:

  1. Click a field's Object Repository icon to open the Select Object Repository Object dialog.
  2. Double-click the Context where you want to store the object.
  3. Double-click the Package in that Context where you want to store the object.
  4. Double-click the Object Type for the object. See About the Object Types for more information.
  5. Click the New button to open an Open dialog.
     Select Object Repository Object Dialog
  6. Browse to the object's location on the local computer or network, select the file, and click Open.
    • The system adds the specified file to the repository and automatically creates an Object Repository Objects record. 
  7. If you want to populate the field from which you launched the dialog with this new object, select the object within the dialog and click OK.
    • This automatically populates the Repository Object field on the record in the following format: Package Name.Object Name.
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