Best Practices for Adding Fields to a Base View from Entities with Non-Direct Relationships

This topic outlines the steps required when adding fields to a base view that are from entities that do not have a direct relationship from the current entity. This includes sub-types that do not have a first level relationship with the current entity (i.e., second and third level sub-types).


Attempting to save the base view without performing the steps below may cause the save to fail.


  1. Create the base view as described above for the fields that you want to include that do have direct relationships or are part of the current entity.
  2. Save the Base Views record and the base view's entity to generate the base view.
  3. Open the base view Database Objects record and add the appropriate SQL (joins, fields, etc.) to specify the additional fields that do not have the direct relationship.


    The Database Objects record must be non-generated.

  4. Save the record.
  5. To ensure the metadata is created for the new fields, go back into the Base Views record and create Fields records for the fields that you manually added to the Database Object.
  6. Click OK to save Base Views record.
  7. Save the Entities record.

See the Persons With Committees sample base view on the Persons entity for an example of a base view that has fields linked to non-direct entities.

Note Concerning List View Hyperlink Functionality for Non-Direct Fields and Multiple Base Views

Aptify has the ability to display fields linked to other services as hyperlinks. However, this functionality is not supported for base view fields that do not have a direct relationship to the current entity. In this case, the field displays as a normal field, even when the Hyperlink option is checked. See Enabling or Disabling Hyperlinks for Fields in a List View for more information about this feature.

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