The following requirements apply to end users who will connect to Aptify from a web browser.
The Aptify web interface supports the use of the following browsers:
The latest version of Google Chrome for both Mac OS X (Intel processor only) and Windows-based computers. For best results, Aptify recommends that you use Google Chrome, which is the preferred browser for the Aptify Web interface.
Chrome persists in the background when the Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed option is selected and an application that runs in the background, such as the Advanced REST client, is installed.
The latest version of Apple Safari for use on an iPad with iOS 11, 12 and 13, with some limitations in functionality.
- Use the tablet in Landscape mode
- Use the Safari browser in the standard mode (i.e., not private mode)
When scrolling through records in a list view (regular or within a dashboard) hold one finger and then drag another finger (with same hand or other) to move within the grid
Unpin the Application list
Testing by Aptify has revealed that there are problems with running the third-party controls that handle dialog boxes in iPads with iOS 8.4.1. To resolve these problems, Aptify recommends that customers upgrade their iPads to use iOS 11, 12 and 13.
- An end user must have a trusted user account with a valid license in Aptify to connect to the database.
- Any user who has a trusted account in Aptify can connect to the system from a supported web browser.
- If connecting to Aptify from a remote location outside of the organization's network domain (such as from home or a hotel), an end user does not need to establish a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection to the network first unless your organization's security policy requires it (that is, if the Aptify web server is located inside the organization's firewall on the local Intranet).
- For a better experience of new Aptify Web Interface, it is recommended to use a resolution of 1600 X 900 or higher. If your system has a resolution of 1366 x 768 you might experience ellipses or broken labels, to avoid this:
- It is advisable to use 90% zoom level of the browser (or)
- Reduce the font size to 12px in the 'Aptify.Framework.DefaultFont.css' file.
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