Follow these steps to add a record to a list directly from that record's form, broken down by interface:
For Aptify Web Interface
- Open the record that you want to add to a list.
- Select Add to List from the More pull-down menu.
- The Aptify List Selection dialog appears. Enter search criteria to locate one or more lists.
- To see all lists of a particular type, select that type from the Type drop-down menu and click Find.
- To find all lists for a particular service, set Type to <All>, select that service from the Service drop-down menu, and click Find. Note that the Service field defaults to the view's service when the selection dialog appears.
- You can also search for lists based on the List ID number or List Name.
The lists that match your search criteria appear in the search results area. Select a check box in the Select column for one or more lists to add the record to that list.
There are limitations to the lists that are displayed in the dialog. The dialog does not display system-generated lists (that is, lists that have their Security set to System). Also, lists that have their Security set to Personal are only displayed in the dialog when the user adding records also created the list.
- Click OK to add the record to the selected list(s) and close the Aptify List Selection dialog.
- Click OK when prompted that the record has been successfully added to the selected list(s).
Close the record, saving any changes, if necessary.
Clicking Close and discarding changes does not undo the addition of the record to a list.
For Desktop Client
- Open the record that you want to add to a list.
- Click the Add to List button.
- The Aptify List Selection dialog appears. Enter search criteria to locate one or more lists.
- To see all lists of a particular type, select that type from the Type drop-down menu and click Find.
- To find all lists for a particular service, set Type to <All>, select that service from the Service drop-down menu, and click Find. Note that the Service field defaults to the view's service when the selection dialog appears.
- You can also search for lists based on the List ID number or List Name.
The lists that match your search criteria appear in the search results area. Select a check box in the Select column for one or more lists to add the record to that list.
There are limitations to the lists that are displayed in the dialog. The dialog does not display system-generated lists (that is, lists that have their Security set to System). Also, lists that have their Security set to Personal are only displayed in the dialog when the user adding records also created the list.
- Click OK to add the record to the selected list(s) and close the Aptify List Selection dialog.
- Click OK when prompted that the record has been successfully added to the selected list(s).
Close the record, saving any changes, if necessary.
Clicking Close and discarding changes does not undo the addition of the record to a list.
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