Adding Records in Bulk from a View

This topic describes how to add records to a list in bulk from a view, broken down by the user interface.

For Aptify Web Interface

  1. Create or open a view of the same service to which the list applies.
  2. If you want to add selected records in the view to the list, select the associated check boxes for those records.
  3. Select Add to List from the More pull-down menu.
    • If you want to add all records in the view to the list, click Yes.
    • If you want to add only selected records to the list, click No.
  4. The Aptify List Selection dialog appears. Enter search criteria to locate one or more lists.
    • To see all lists of a particular type, select that type from the Type drop-down menu and click Find.
    • To find all lists for a particular service, set Type to <All>, select that service from the Service drop-down menu, and click Find. Note that the Service field defaults to the view's service when the selection dialog appears.
    • You can also search for lists based on the List ID number or List Name.
  5. The lists that match your search criteria appear in the search results area. Select the check box in the Select column for one or more lists to add the record(s) to that list.

    There are limitations to the lists that are displayed in the dialog. The dialog does not display system-generated lists (that is, lists that have their Security set to System). Also, lists that have their Security set to Personal are only displayed in the dialog when the user adding records also created the list.

    List Selection

  6. Click OK to add the record(s) to the selected list(s) and close the Aptify List Selection dialog.
  7. Click OK when prompted that the record(s) has been successfully added to the selected list(s).

For Desktop Client

  1. Create or open a view of the same service to which the list applies.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to add all records in the view to the list, right-click within the view and select Add to List from the pop-up menu.
    • If you want to add only selected records to the list, select those records (hold down the CTRL key to select multiple records). Then, right-click within the view and select Add to List from the pop-up menu.
    • Note that instead of right-clicking within the view, you can also click the Add Record(s) to List button in the View toolbar to launch the Aptify List Selection dialog.
  3. If prompted, click Yes to add all records in the view to the list, or click No to add only the records you selected to the list. You can also click Cancel to stop the process.
    • If you selected the Add to List option without first selecting one or more records in the view, this message box does not appear. Aptify assumes that you want to add all records in the view to the list.
  4. The Aptify List Selection dialog appears. Enter search criteria to locate one or more lists.
    • To see all lists of a particular type, select that type from the Type drop-down menu and click Find.
    • To find all lists for a particular service, set Type to <All>, select that service from the Service drop-down menu, and click Find. Note that the Service field defaults to the view's service when the selection dialog appears.
    • You can also search for lists based on the List ID number or List Name.
    • If you have the necessary permissions, you can create a new list by selecting the Create New List option to open a new Lists record. You can also create a new list type by selecting the Create New List Type option. Note that these options are not displayed on the Aptify List Selection dialog for users who do not have the proper permissions to create lists or list types from this location. See Allowing Users to Create List and List Types from the Aptify List Selection Dialog or contact your system administrator for assistance.
  5. The lists that match your search criteria appear in the search results area. Select the check box in the Select column for one or more lists to add the record(s) to that list.

    There are limitations to the lists that are displayed in the dialog. The dialog does not display system-generated lists (that is, lists that have their Security set to System). Also, lists that have their Security set to System Personal are only displayed in the dialog when the user adding records also created the list.

    List Selection Dialog

  6. Click OK to add the record(s) to the selected list(s) and close the Aptify List Selection dialog.
  7. Click OK when prompted that the record(s) has been successfully added to the selected list(s).

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