Using the Bulk Order Wizard

The Bulk Orders wizard automatically generates orders for multiple customers/members in one operation. This wizard can simplify the Order Entry process, particularly when creating a number of similar orders for a group of people.

The procedure for using the Bulk Order wizard is described below, broken down by interface:

Support for running the Bulk Order wizard in the web interface is added in Aptify 5.5.5.

Aptify Web Interface

  1. Create or run a view of Persons or Companies.
    • The Bulk Order wizard can be launched from a view of Persons or a view of Companies.
    • The Bulk Orders service that stores the Bulk Orders records generated by the wizard is available in the Order Entry and Order Entry Administration applications by default.
  2. Select the specific Persons or Companies in the view for which you want to generate orders and select the Bulk Order Wizard option from the More menu in the view's toolbar.
    • The wizard can either process all records in the view or only the ones that you select.

      Persons View Sample
  3. In step 1 of the wizard, select whether to create orders for all records in the view or only the ones selected prior to launching the wizard.

  4. ClickNextto continue.
  5. In the next step of the wizard, add one or more products to the orders. For each product, specify:
    • A product to add to each order to be generated by the wizard.
    • The default quantity to add to each order.
    • A price override, if applicable. If you do not specify a price override, the order obtains the correct price from the Products record that is applicable to the order.

      The Bulk Order wizard does not supportClass Products. You cannot use the wizard to generate registration for class type classes, but it does work for meeting type classes.

      Bulk Orders Sample Product

  6. Click Next to continue.
  7. In final step of the wizard, select the appropriate Ship Type and click Finish to open a new Bulk Orders record that has customer and product information pre-populated.
    • A user can also specify an appropriate shipping type by selecting an available shipping type from the Ship Type drop-down list on the General tab of a Bulk Orders record.

  8. Specify a Name and Description of the Bulk Order.
  9. Modify the order characteristic for the orders that will be generated, as necessary. This includes the following options:
    • Order Date: This field defaults to today, but a user can change it.
    • Order Type: This field defaults to Regular, but you can choose to create Quotation orders instead.
    • Auto Ship: The user can select this option to automatically ship the generated orders (assuming the Order Type is Regular).
    • Campaign: If applicable, the user can add a campaign to the orders.
    • Default PO #: By default, the PO # defaults to "BULK." Unless a user specifies otherwise, the system creates all orders using a Purchase Order as the initial payment (however, as described later, a user can specify payment information on a per-order basis as needed within the Bulk Order's Customers tab).
    • Suppress Confirmation Email: Added in Aptify 5.5.2, enable this option if you don't want customers to receive an automated confirmation email.

      Bulk Orders Record
  10. If you launched the wizard from a view of Companies, identify the appropriate Persons record to use for the generated order's Ship To and Bill To person by selecting a Contact Selection Mode and entering information associated fields as necessary, depending on the mode selected. The available modes are:
    • Lowest ID: Selects the Persons record associated with the company with the lowest ID. This is the default selection mode.
    • Highest ID: Selects the Persons record associated with the company with the highest ID.
    • Primary Function: Selects the Persons record associated with the company whose primary job matches the function in the Contact Primary Function field. If more than one person has the same primary function at the company or a person with the specified primary function, the Persons record with the lowest ID will be used. If a person with the specified primary function does not exist for the company, the Persons record with the lowest ID is selected.
    • Generic Person: Selects the Persons record specified in the Generic Person field. Note that the Persons record specified in this field does not necessarily need to be associated with the Ship To/Bill To Company. With this mode, each order that is generated from the bulk order will have the same Ship To and Bill To person specified. 

  11. Modify the individual customer characteristics as necessary on theCustomerstab on the Bulk Orders record. You can:
    • Modify a customer's quantity for the products originally specified in the Bulk Order wizard directly within the Customers tab's grid.
      • Note that if ordering products that use additional settings like Meetings, Subscriptions, or Expo booths, you will need to configure these settings directly in the order after it is generated. For example, if you want to assign booth or specify Meeting attendee information, you can complete this information after the order is generated. In this case, keep in mind that the Bulk Order should not be set Auto Ship so the generated orders will be in the Taken status, which allows modifications to the order.
    • Double-click a particular Customer in the grid to open a Bulk Order Customers record where you can modify Billing/Shipping information, specify order type (Company or Individual purchase for subscription purposes), specify payment information, and add additional products not specified at the Bulk Order level for the customer.
    • Note that for Bulk Orders launched from a Companies view, the Person in which the system selects as the order's Bill To and Ship To person depends on the mode selected in the Contact Selection Mode field on the General tab. You can specify a different Bill To/Ship To Person for any of the individual customers directly on the Bulk Order Customers record if needed.

      Bulk Orders Customers Tab
  12. If necessary, modify the information concerning the Bulk Order Products (applicable to all orders). These products were originally specified within the Bulk Order wizard but a user can modify the product set as needed on the Bulk Orders record's Products tab.
  13. Save the Bulk Orders record.
  14. When ready to generate orders from this Bulk Order, change the Status to Ready and set the Approval Status to Approved. The system then generates the Orders when the Bulk Orders record is saved.
  15. If the system successfully generates all of the orders, the Bulk Order's Status is set to Completed. Once set to Completed, no additional changes can be made to the Bulk Orders record (except to fields like Description that have no functional impact).
  16. If an error occurs while generating a particular order, the process continues for other orders, and when finished, the Status changes to Error and error information is provided on the Bulk Orders record's Error Description tab. Follow these steps to correct errors and generate the order.
    1. Review the error details to identify the Bulk Order Customer (or Customers) for whom order generation failed.
    2. Opens the Bulk Order Customer and correct the problem that caused the order save to fail.
    3. Change the Bulk Order Customer's Status from Error to Pending.
    4. Change the Bulk Order's Status back to Ready and save the Bulk Order again to generate the remaining orders.
  17. Once the generated orders have been created and if the Bulk Order did not specify the Auto Ship option, review each generated order and mark it as Shipped as necessary.
    • Note that a user can cancel a Bulk Order before orders are processed, if necessary, by changing the Status to Cancelled. Once cancelled, no additional changes can be made to the Bulk Orders record (except to fields like Description that have no functional impact).

Aptify Desktop Client

Follow these steps to use the Bulk Order wizard in the Aptify Windows Desktop client:

  1. Create or run a view of Persons or Companies.
    • The Bulk Order wizard can be launched from a view of Persons or a view of Companies.
    • The Bulk Orders service that stores the Bulk Orders records generated by the wizard is available in the Order Entry and Order Entry Administration applications by default.
  2. Select the specific Persons or Companies in the view for which you want to generate orders and select the Bulk Wizard icon from the toolbar.
    • The wizard can either process all records in the view or only the ones that you select.

  3. In step 1 of the wizard, select whether to create orders for all records in the view or only the ones selected prior to launching the wizard.

  4. ClickNextto continue.
  5. If you launched the wizard from a view of Companies, a step to select the appropriate Persons record to use for the generated order's Ship To and Bill To person is displayed. Select a Contact Selection Mode and enter information associated fields as necessary, depending on the mode selected. The available modes are:
    • Lowest ID: Selects the Persons record associated with the company with the lowest ID. This is the default selection mode.
    • Highest ID: Selects the Persons record associated with the company with the highest ID.
    • Primary Function: Selects the Persons record associated with the company whose primary job matches the function in the Contact Primary Function field. If more than one person has the same primary function at the company or a person with the specified primary function, the Persons record with the lowest ID will be used. If a person with the specified primary function does not exist for the company, the Persons record with the lowest ID is selected.
    • Generic Person: Selects the Persons record specified in the Generic Person field. Note that the Persons record specified in this field does not necessarily need to be associated with the Ship To/Bill To Company. With this mode, each order that is generated from the bulk order will have the same Ship To and Bill To person specified. 

      The following figure is not applicable when the wizard is launched from a view of Persons. Continue to the next step.

      After you have completed selecting the Persons record, click Next to continue.

  6. In the next step of the wizard, add one or more products to the orders. For each product, specify:
    • A product to add to each order to be generated by the wizard.
    • The default quantity to add to each order.
    • A price override, if applicable. If you do not specify a price override, then the order will obtain the correct price from the Products record that is applicable to the order.

      The Bulk Order wizard does not supportClass Products. You cannot use the wizard to generate registration for class type classes, but it does work for meeting type classes.

  7. Click Next to continue.
  8. In final step of the wizard, select the appropriate Ship Type and click Finish to open a new Bulk Orders record that has customer and product information pre-populated.
    • A user can also specify an appropriate shipping type by selecting an available shipping type from the Ship Type drop-down list on the General tab of a Bulk Orders record.

  9. Specify a Name and Description of the Bulk Order.
  10. Modify the order characteristic for the orders that will be generated, as necessary. This includes the following options:
    • Order Date: This field defaults to today, but a user can change it.
    • Order Type: This field defaults to Regular, but you can choose to create Quotation orders instead.
    • Auto Ship: The user can select this option to automatically ship the generated orders (assuming the Order Type is Regular).
    • Campaign: If applicable, the user can add a campaign to the orders.
    • Default PO #: By default, the PO # defaults to "BULK." Unless a user specifies otherwise, the system creates all orders using a Purchase Order as the initial payment (however, as described later, a user can specify payment information on a per-order basis as needed within the Bulk Order's Customers tab).
    • Suppress Confirmation Email: Added in Aptify 5.5.2, enable this option if you don't want customers to receive an automated confirmation email.

  11. Modify the individual customer characteristics as necessary on the Customers tab on the Bulk Orders record. You can:
    • Modify a customer's quantity for the products originally specified in the Bulk Order wizard directly within the Customers tab's grid.
      • Note that if ordering products that use additional settings like Meetings, Subscriptions, or Expo booths, you will need to configure these settings directly in the order after it is generated. For example, if you want to assign booth or specify Meeting attendee information, you can complete this information after the order is generated. In this case, keep in mind that the Bulk Order should not be set Auto Ship so the generated orders will be in the Taken status, which allows modifications to the order.
    • Double-click a particular Customer in the grid to open a Bulk Order Customers record where you can modify Billing/Shipping information, specify order type (Company or Individual purchase for subscription purposes), specify payment information, and add additional products not specified at the Bulk Order level for the customer.
    • Note that for Bulk Orders launched from a Companies view, the Person in which the system selects as the order's Bill To and Ship To person depends on the mode selected in the Contact Selection Mode field on the General tab. You can specify a different Bill To/Ship To Person for any of the individual customers directly on the Bulk Order Customers record if needed. (See Step 4 above for the available contact modes.)

  12. If necessary, modify the information concerning the Bulk Order Products (applicable to all orders). These products were originally specified within the Bulk Order wizard, but a user can modify the product set as needed on the Bulk Orders record's Products tab.
  13. Save the Bulk Orders record.
  14. When ready to generate orders from this Bulk Order, change the Status to Ready and set the Approval Status to Approved. The system then generates the Orders when the Bulk Orders record is saved.

  15. If the system successfully generates all of the orders, the Bulk Order's Status is set to Completed. Once set to Completed, no additional changes can be made to the Bulk Orders record (except to fields like Description that have no functional impact).
  16. If an error occurs while generating a particular order, the process continues for other orders, and when finished, the Status changes to Error and error information is provided on the Bulk Orders record's Error Description tab. Follow these steps to correct errors and generate the order.
    1. Review the error details to identify the Bulk Order Customer (or Customers) for whom order generation failed.
    2. Opens the Bulk Order Customer and correct the problem that caused the order save to fail.
    3. Change the Bulk Order Customer's Status from Error to Pending.
    4. Change the Bulk Order's Status back to Ready and save the Bulk Order again to generate the remaining orders.
  17. Once the generated orders have been created and if the Bulk Order did not specify the Auto Ship option, review each generated order and mark it as Shipped as necessary.
    • Note that a user can cancel a Bulk Order before orders are processed, if necessary, by changing the Status to Cancelled. Once cancelled, no additional changes can be made to the Bulk Orders record (except to fields like Description that have no functional impact).
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