This document contains the Bug fix description of Aptify 7.3 release and is divided into below categories:
- Business Application Improvements
- Viewing System Improvements
- Wizard Improvements
- Orders and Payments Improvements
- Smart Client Improvements
- Security Improvements
- e-Business Improvements
Business Application Improvements
Unsupported Characters Prevent Records from Opening
In Aptify Web application, there was an issue identified when attempting to open records containing unsupported or special characters such as “+”, “{}” etc., in the name field. These records failed to open, whereas the same records opened correctly in Aptify Smart (Desktop) Client application. This issue has been resolved.
(Issue AW-6226)
Product Prerequisite Equals Operator Does Not Work
In earlier versions of Aptify Web and Desktop applications, while creating products with Previous Product Purchased as prerequisite, the In List operator was listed twice in the Operator drop-down field. Additionally, the OR filter and NOT advance logic were not working as expected. This release fixes all the issues.
(Issue AW-8108)
Export to Excel Does Not Work on Different Pages
In prior releases of Aptify Web application, the Export to Excel functionality for views did not working as expected when users selected records from multiple pages. Only the records from the current page were exported to the Excel sheet. This issue has been fixed, and now the selection of records spanning across multiple pages of the view is exported to the Excel sheet as expected.
(AW- 8110)
Contact Log Description Stores Line Breaks as /n
While working with Contact Log record in Aptify Web 7.1, users encountered an issue where pressing ENTER (hard return) in the description box incorrectly stored the value as “\n”. This behavior resulted in an error when attempting to access that record through Bulk Contact Log wizard. This issue has been resolved, now the ENTER key input is processed and stored correctly.
(AW – 8112)
Entities with Spaces in the Name Do Not Load via URL
In earlier versions of Aptify Web, an entity name containing spaces failed to load properly when the entity record was refreshed, resulting in the application loading a blank page. This issue has been resolved. Now, upon refresh, entity records with names containing spaces loads back to the same page of the Entity/Service.
(Issue AW-8113 and Issue AW-8104)
Export to Excel Fails Due to Lowercased SQL and Missing N
In earlier versions of Aptify web application, the Export to Excel functionality was not working as expected when called within ELV records created using a ‘like’ filter and search text ‘N’. Either the capital ‘N’ was converted into small ‘n’ or it was getting removed from the SQL, causing an error message. This issue has been resolved.
CountryCodeID, Country Code, and Country Do Not Update
In Aptify Web, when users set default values for fields CountryCodeID, CountryCode, and Country in Address entity and created Person record, the field values were not getting reflected in the database. This issue has been resolved.
(Issue AW-8144)
Additional SOA Architecture Issues
In Aptify Web application, domain users were able to log in only the first-time using Postman. Subsequent login requests were not allowed due to an issue in the SOA architecture. Specifically, the SOA layer was not permitting authentication to occur. This has been addressed and resolved.
(Issue AW-8126)
SSRS Report Print Button Viewer Not Working Properly In Web
In the SSRS Report viewer, the “Print Report” button present on the top left corner of the viewer was redundant and has been removed. Henceforth, to print the SSRS report, use the print icon available on the tool bar.
(Issue 8226)
Cannot Bypass Meeting Conflict Warning in Web
In the Aptify Web application, when encountering conflicting meetings, users were unable to save the second order despite a warning message appearing, and clicking the OK button on the prompt window did not save the order. This issue has been resolved. After the fix, clicking the OK button now successfully saves the conflicting meeting order.
(Issue 8285)
Viewing System Improvements
Paging and Sorting Don't Work for Grouped Views with Aggregation & After Opening a record & closing it grouping disappear
In Aptify Web application, an issue was identified with the grouped views that included aggregation. The paging and sorting functionality did not work as expected and the grouping was removed whenever the records were opened and closed in a view. This issue has been addressed with code changes. Now, grouped views with aggregation works as expected.
(Issue AW-8080)
Web Views Do Not Generate Correct SQL to Process Unicode Characters
In the Aptify Web application, normal views created on products with product name containing Unicode characters did not show any records. This issue has been resolved and after the fix, the view data now displays correctly.
(Issue AW-8105)
Issues with Drop-Down and List Box Prompt Views
In Aptify Web application, the following improvements have been made to the drop-down and list box prompt views.
- On “Step 2: Enter Listed Values” of the Prompt Wizard, the text has been modified to remove the “Optional” word.
- On “Step 2: Enter Listed Values” of the Prompt Wizard, the size of the value area for drop-down and list box, has been increased to seven rows.
- On the list box prompt, a pop-up window appears when a view is run with no values, in this window a typo is corrected from “coutinue” to “continue”.
- In the view properties, when users press enter while entering the suggested values, the view run window takes the focus and does not run in the background.
(Issue AW-8111)
Drill-Down Views Do Not Generate Correct SQL to Process Unicode Characters
The drill-down view functionality for picture views in the Aptify Web was not functioning correctly when the product name contained Special/Unicode characters. For these views, the ‘N’ character was not prepending to the product name, resulting in generation of a blank view. This issue has been resolved.
(Issue AW-8114)
Pinned View Folders Do Not Display Apostrophes
In Aptify Web application, view folder names containing apostrophes were not displayed correctly when the view folder was pinned. Instead of apostrophes, junk characters were displayed. This issue has been fixed. Now, the pinned view folder correctly displays the name with the apostrophes.
(Issue AW-8117)
Prompt Views With Grouping Do Not Work
In prior releases of Aptify Web application, grouped views created with prompts failed to execute when users clicked the ‘Go’ button, causing the view to span indefinitely. This issue has been resolved.
(Issue AW-8118)
Using TOP in Advanced SQL Breaks Views
In Aptify Web, while working with Advanced SQL with Is Load All Records Checkbox configuration, the Advanced SQL was incorrectly appended with additional code. In this release, code changes have been done to rectify this issue. After the fix, the view data is generated as expected.
(Issue AW-8119)
Base View SQL Data Type Shows Incorrect Values
In Aptify Web application, while creating fields record for base views, the display value for fields SQL Data Type and SQL Field Size was set incorrectly. The SQL Data Type showed “Length” instead of the actual data type. This issue has been resolved. Now, the display property for SQL Data Type reflects the data type, such as varchar, nchar etc. Additionally, the value of SQL Field Size is now set accordingly to match the specified data type.
(Issue AW-8121)
Port SUM Function in Grouped Views Does not Work for All SQL Data Types
In Aptify Web release 6.0 and earlier versions, applying SUM function to grouped views containing Float and Decimal datatypes resulted in “SUM: Not Supported” error message. This issue has been resolved.
(Issue AW-8129)
Prompt View does not load data with Aggregate and Grouping in it
In prior releases of Aptify Web application, prompt views consisting of aggregate functions along with grouping failed to execute when users clicked the ‘Go’ button, causing the view to span indefinitely. This issue has been resolved.
(Issue AW – 8221)
Clicking OK Button Multiple Times Creates Duplicate View Listings
There was an issue with view creation in the Persons service of the Aptify Web application. When a user accidentally clicked the OK button several times, multiple views with the same view ID appeared in the view browser. However, the views persisted only for the current session. This issue has been resolved. Now clicking the OK button multiple times during view creation does not create duplicate views in the view browser, improving the user experience.
(Issue AW-8273)
Wizard Improvements
Entity Bulk Operations Wizard Fails if Run Twice
While using the Entity Bulk Wizard (EBO) in Aptify Web, when a user chose to run the wizard a second time after selecting Yes from the prompt window -- “The process is complete, would you like to repeat?” the second EBO failed. This issue has been resolved, and the second execution of the EBO now runs successfully.
(Issue AW-8130)
Launch Wizard Button Doesn't Work on Form Templates
In Aptify Web application, an issue occurred with wizards created through form templates. When users created wizards with Action Type as ‘Run Wizard’, and attempted to launch the wizard in Aptify Web, the button did not function as expected. Code changes have been done to resolve this issue. Users can now launch the wizard correctly through Aptify web application.
(Issue AW-8218)
Unable to Import Excel File in Azure
The Generic Import wizard was unable to perform the import functionality for source types “Excel File” and “Tab Delimited Text Files”. Users encountered “Blank value is not ok…” error messages in Azure hosted Aptify Web application. To resolve this issue, code changes have been made. After the fix, the import operation completes successfully.
(Issue AW-8272)
Orders and Payments Improvements
Paying a Quotation Order Creates Payment with Order Date Not Current Date
In Aptify Web application, there was an issue while paying a quotation order on Order form where incorrect payment date was generated. The payment record showed the quotation order date rather than the date when the payment was done. This issue has now been resolved.
(Issue AW-8115)
Fix to Eliminate Exception in Order Entry application.
In this release, improvements have been done to Order Entry application to handle exceptions that were incorrectly being logged in Event viewer and in the Aptify Exception log.
(Issue AW-8122)
Subtype Checkboxes Get Selected When Row is Selected
In Aptify Web application, there was an issue with saved payment methods (SPM) with multiple payment records. When a user added multiple payment methods on the person’s record and selected a row, the “Is Active?” checkbox also got selected unintentionally. This issue has been resolved.
(Issue AW-8227)
Credit Card Verification Failed
In the Aptify web application, orders were not being saved with the Visa payment method due to a credit card verification failure, resulting in an error message “Could not obtain transaction specific information for authorization”. This issue has been resolved and following the fix, orders can now be saved with the Visa payment method.
(Issue AW-8228)
Smart Client Improvements
Smart Client Takes Longer Time to Open for AUS Culture
Previously, Aptify Smart Client application took longer time to open when the culture string was set to AUS (Australian culture). To improve the performance during Smart Client logins, metadata changes have been implemented to avoid the recurrent execution of “spGetCultureStringMe” in cases where the Culture String is set to AUS or any value other than the US Culture String. Users are required to set the value of attribute “Aptify.Framework.BusinessLogic.CultureUtility.BuiltInCultureID” to seven in both Aptify Shell.exe.config and Aptify Web.config files. If this attribute is not configured in the file, the default value is set to US Culture String with value equal to one.
Ensure the following attribute key value is added:
<add key="Aptify.Framework.BusinessLogic.CultureUtility.BuiltInCultureID" value="7"/>
(Issue AW 8103)
Can't Create Field on Meetings Entity if e-Business is Installed
In the Aptify Smart (Desktop) Client application users encountered an issue with the meetings entity where they were unable to create and save new fields. This happened only in environments where e-Business was installed. This was due to a problem with the index logic, which prevented the record from being saved and resulted in an exception. This issue has been resolved by fixing the index logic. Users can now create and save new fields in the meeting entity without encountering any exceptions.
(Issue AW-8239)
When User CultureID is not 1 Desktop Client Generates Hundreds of Exceptions
In Aptify Smart (Desktop) Client application, exceptions were being logged in the Event Viewer and Exception log when the Culture ID was set to one. This led to a delay in loading the application. This issue has been fixed.
(Issue AW-8106)
Payments authorized in Bluepay but No Payment Record in Aptify
When a Quotation order is created in e-Business using Bluepay HPP, then the payment authorization record was not created in Aptify but the Bluepay merchant account processed the issue correctly. This issue has been resolved. After the fix, correct payment record with authorization is generated in Aptify.
(Issue AW-8125)
Security Improvements
In previous versions of the Aptify Web and Desktop application, for the Persons and Companies entities, updating a saved payment method (SPM) to change the payment type resulted in unmasked credit card numbers being displayed in the record history pop-up. During the analysis, we identified another issue with a code logic that required storing credit card information in a temporary field for processing. However, the logic failed to clear the unmasked credit card number before saving the record in the database. Both the security concerns have now been resolved. Following the code changes, the credit card number is masked in the record history as well as in the database.
(Issue AW-8240, 8268, 8290)
e-Business Improvements
e-Business Login Attempts logic improvements
An enhancement has been implemented in the Login functionality in Aptify e-Business application to keep track of login attempts accurately and to display the exact number of failed attempts. With this enhancement, the value of authentication provider attribute 'MaxFailedAttempts' is used to determine the login attempts. If MaxFailedAttempts is set to zero, the application allows three login attempts by default.
Previously, when the user set the value of MaxFailedAttempts to more than three, and failed to log in within three attempts, an incorrect login attempt number was displayed in the message - “You have -1 login attempts before you are locked out of the account for 5 minutes”.
(Issue AW-8244)
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