Installing the e-Business React Application

This topic contains the following sub-topics that describe how to install Aptify e-Business React application on Aptify 7.1 or higher versions.


To install the e-Business React Application, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  1. The database server must be running Aptify 7.1 or higher versions. Below are the links to the installation guides for the database server starting from Aptify release 7.1:
  2. The database server must be running e-Business 7.1 or higher versions. You must also have its SOA (services) site, up and running on the Web Server.  Below are the links to the installation guides for the Aptify e-Business starting from Aptify release 7.1:
Note: To utilize all functionalities of the e-Business React website deployed via this setup, it is mandatory to have e-Business 7.3 or higher installed.


Installing e-Business React website

  1. Log in to the web server using an account with administrative privileges.
  2. Download the Aptify eBusiness React MVP Setup ZIP file to a folder on the web server and unzip its contents. 
  3. Right-click Setup application file and select the Run As Administrator option to launch the installation program. 
  4. When prompted, enter login information for the database server, specifying an installation account with system administrator privileges to both the Aptify database and SQL Server. The installation user should also be tied to a Developer license to ensure that the setup can perform such tasks as entity creation when needed.

    Note: Selecting the System Administrator option when creating a user in the Aptify database (through the Aptify User Administration wizard) sets the user to a dbowner in SQL Server. It does not add the user to the sysadmin role. You will need to manually add the user to the sysadmin role in SQL Server through SQL Management Studio. If in doubt, check the user's permissions in the Security > Logins area of SQL Management Studio before proceeding with the installation.

  5. Click OK to continue. On the Welcome page, review the set of requirements to install. If your environment does not meet one or more of the specified requirements, click Cancel to abort the installation.

  6. On the e-Business Installation Details page, notice that only the Install React UI checkbox is selected. The other checkboxes for "SOA", "UI" and "Service Database Components" are disabled. That is because, this setup is to be used only to install the e-Business React website for e-Business versions 7.1 to 7.3.

  7. In the Website field, select the name under which the e-Business React site will be hosted. Typically, this should be the same where the e-Business SOA site has been hosted. For more information regarding selecting the appropriate site for this field, refer to point number ten of Installing e-Business 7.1 document,
  8. In the Application Pool React UI field, enter the application pool name to be used for the Aptify e-Business React website.
    • The default application pool name is Aptify_EbusinessReactUI.
  9. The Application Pool EbusinessWeb and Application Pool SOA fields may retain the auto-populated default values since the e-Business Knockout and SOA (services) websites are not installed through this setup.
  10. In the Website Location field, specify the location where the Aptify e-Business React website files should be installed on the web server.

    • The default path is c:\inetpub\wwwroot.

    • For example, if you have selected 'Website' of a non-default path then the same path should be mentioned in the Website location as well.

  11. In the Site Name field, enter the name of the website to be used in creating URLs.

    • It is not necessary to include the protocol prefix (https://) in the site name as Aptify appends it automatically.

    • This is the site name for the website that user will enter to browse this site. For example, enter, if users will browse to to connect to the server.

    • This field can be left blank, and the setup program uses the server hostname and domain name to create URLs.

      Note: Additional configuration needs to be done to support the site name entered. Microsoft IIS must be updated with the new site name, and the host file at c:\windows\system 32\Drivers\etc\host must be updated to include the web server’s IP address and the site name.

  12. Click Next to continue and review your installation options.

  13. Click Next and then click Finish to begin the installation process.

  14. Click OK when prompted that Aptify has been successfully installed to close the installer.
    Note: If a problem occurs during the installation, the Aptify Installer will notify you that an error occurred.

  15. Once the Aptify e-Business React site is installed successfully, a new "eBizUI" application is created on IIS. Check the bindings for this site in IIS. The site should be bound with HTTPS. A valid SSL certificate should be associated with the bindings.
  16. Right-click eBizUI site on IIS and click Explore. This opens the contents of the hosted site in File Explorer.
  17. In the ebConfig.json file, verify that the "ServicePath" property is correctly set as per the URL of the server's e-Business SOA site.
  18. Restart the IIS service.
    • Although technically not required, restarting the IIS service will ensure that all existing sessions connected to the web server are terminated before the website is used.
    • You can restart the IIS service from either the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager or from the Windows Services dialog.
  19. Connect to the Aptify e-Business React website to confirm that it loads properly using a supported web browser.
    • You can access the e-Business React site using the below URL where "servername" is the name of your web server and "" is your organization's domain:
      If e-Business is installed on Default Website, below would be the URL to access:
      If e-Business is installed on the non-Default Website, then find the port on which the non-default website is linked and below would be the URL to access:


Post Installation Configurations

This section provides the instructions to carry out configurations to make sure that the e-Business React website works as expected:


Setting up Payment Reminder Emails (Only for e-Business 7.3 and higher)

The "Make Payment Without Login" feature was introduced with e-Business 7.3. The Payment Reminder feature is supported from Aptify e-Business releases from version 7.3 onwards. With this setup, we are introducing the "Payment Reminder Emails" functionality.

Follow the below instructions for setting up the functionality:

  1. Log in to the Smart Client application as an administrator.
  2. Launch the Configuration Migration (CM) Tool. 

  3. Select Unpacking checkbox and click OK.

  4. In case you have not configured Aptify user credentials in the CM tool configuration file - AptifyConfigurationMigrationUtility.exe.config, you will be prompted to log in to the CM tool as illustrated below.
  5. Once logged in, click the icon next to the Pack Path field.

  6. Go to the "Data\EBusiness740\PostPack\eBusiness\CMPACK" folder in the directory that holds the e-Business setup on the server. Here, select the cmpack,
    "EB-2446-2448_MakePaymentWithoutLoginEmailReminder.cmpack", and click OK.

  7. Once the contents of CM pack are displayed in the CM Tool, click Unpack.

Once the CM Pack is successfully unpacked, the associated message template, scheduled task, and view are deployed to your database server. To configure the message template and scheduled task for using the Payment Reminder Emails functionality, refer to Making Payment Without Login-Email reminder feature document.

Loading Default Image

Follow the below instructions for loading the product images on the e-Business React website:

  1. On the web server, navigate to the e-Business React site contents through the File Explorer.
  2. Locate and open the ebConfig.json.
  3. Update the loadDefaultImage attribute as required:
    loadDefaultImage = true // This value displays the 'Image Not Available' Image by default.
    loadDefaultImage = false // This value searches for the product’s images in the Large and thumbnail folders and displays them accordingly. 
    *** For loading the Product images, set loadDefaultImage = false.

    "loadDefaultImage": false

Configuring Image extension

Follow the below instructions for setting the image extension type on the e-Business React website:

  1. On the web server, navigate to the e-Business React site contents through the File Explorer.
  2. Locate and open the ebConfig.json.
  3. Update the imageExtension attribute as required. By default, it has been set to ".jpg". You must keep it in accordance with the "Image Format" field set in the ProductDetails and ProductCatalog sync image categories records. See Configuring Image Sync Utility sections for information on setting up the "Sync Image Categories" records for ProductDetails and ProductCatalog .

e-Business SOA Configuration Changes

After installation, the following modifications can be made to the e-Business SOA (services) Web.config file.:

  1. To make payment via Bluepay, the attribute Aptify.FrameWork.Payment.BluePay.RemoteUrl needs to be updated with the URL of the e-Business React website. The value for this attribute should be: <<domainName/ebizUI/hostedpaymentresponse.html>>, for example domainName can be ""
  2. For Password Reset functionality to work, the attribute PasswordResetURL needs to be updated with the URL of the e-Business React website. Its value should be:              
    "<<domainName/ebizUI/change-password>>" for example domain name can be "" .
    Also, follow the instructions given in Configuring Forgot Password and Change Password functionality.

Configuring Image Sync Utility

To sync the product images from the database to the images folder of the e-Business React website, the Image Sync Utility must be executed. Following instructions need to be followed by the user for configuring the Image Utility:

  1. Log in to the Smart Client application as an administrator.
  2. Select Product Maintenance application -> Sync Image Record services.

  3. Create a new record under Sync Image Categories services with following details. Refer to the snapshot below:
    Name: ProductDetails
    Width: 100 //This case be changed by the user based on the size of the image required.
    Height : 100 //This case be changed by the user based on the size of the image required.
    No Image : NoPhotoAvailable //This can be changed by the user with any other image required.
    Image Format : Jpeg //This can be set to 'png' as well
    Naming Convention: RecordId.Extension
    Sync Path : <Database Server>\inetpub\wwwroot\eBizUI\images\large // The path 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eBizUI\images\large' can be used if the setup is installed on the default path. Else update the same to reflect the appropriate site path where the setup is installed. Update the 'Sync Path' field to reflect the following: '<e-Business React setup path>\eBizUI\images\large' folder.

    Save and Close the record.

  4. Create another new record under Sync Image Categories services with following details (Refer to the snapshot below):
    Name: ProductCatalog
    Width: 50 //This case be changed by the user based on the size of the image required.
    Height : 50 //This case be changed by the user based on the size of the image required.
    No Image : NoPhotoAvailable //This can be changed by the user with any other image required.
    Image Format : Jpeg //This can be set to 'png' as well
    Naming Convention: RecordId.Extension
    Sync Path : <Database Server>\inetpub\wwwroot\eBizUI\images\products // The path 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eBizUI\images\products' can be used if the setup is installed on the default path. Else update the same to reflect the appropriate site path where the setup is installed. Update the 'Sync Path' field to reflect the following: '<e-Business React setup path>\eBizUI\images\products' folder.

    Save and Close the record.

  5. Create a new record under Sync Image Records services with following details. Refer to the snapshot below:
    Entity: Products
    Field Name: Photo
    Category: Id of the above created ProductDetails Sync Image Categories record
    Stored Procedure: spGeteBusiness6_0ProductImages

    Save and close the record.

  6. Create another new record under Sync Image Records services with following details (Refer to the snapshot below):
    Entity: Products
    Field Name: Photo
    Category: Id of the above created ProductCatalog Sync Image Categories record
    Stored Procedure: spGeteBusiness6_0ProductImages

    Save and close the record.

  7. Restart the Smart Client Application.


Running the Image Sync Utility

Perform following steps for running the image sync utility:

  1. Log in to the web server hosting the Aptify e-Business React UI setup.
  2. Navigate to the ImageSyncUtility folder located within Utilities in the e-Business setup.
  3. Right-click ImageSyncUtilityGUI.exe and then click Run as administrator. 

  4. On the login screen, enter the database instance name, username and password that have administrative privileges.
  5. After successful login, the following screen appears. Select all the Images or selected images that the user wants to sync. Click Sync button.

  6. Close the Utility after the Sync is successful.
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