About the Sample Application Validation Scripts

The following validation scripts are included in the Motor Loaner System sample application that you can refer to when writing your own validation scripts:

About the Associates Entity Email Field Validation Script

This field includes a validation script that compares the value provided by a user against a regular expression to determine if the email address is in an acceptable format. Within the context of the sample application, this requirement is defined in BPR4: Enforce Email Address Format and the implementation is described in About the Data Quality Design for the Sample Application.

It follows this process:

  • Uses a geRecord.GetValue("Email").ToString <> " " statement to retrieve the value of the Email field from the current record's GE and determine if the Email field is blank. If blank, no further validation is applied.
  • If the Email value is not blank, the script defines a regular expression for an e-mail address format and matches the Email value from the record against the regular expression.
  • If the Email value matches the regular expression, the value passes the validation test and the script calls oResult.Success = True.
  • If the Email value does not match the regular expression, the value fails the validation test. The script calls oResult.Success = False and oResult.Message to display an error message to the user that the value entered is not a valid Email address.
  • Note that the sample script also includes code to handle situations where the script fails for unexpected reasons.

The full text of the script appears below:


' This script enforces the business rule that only allows for 
' valid email addresses to be entered for Associates.
'Field Validation Scripts can access this record's properties via geRecord.
'The Results of a script are returned via oResult.Success = [True|False]
'This sample script uses .Net's RegularExpression class to compare
'the entered email address against a regular expression.

     'Only validate the Email field if it is not blank since the Email field is not required
      If geRecord.GetValue("Email").ToString <> "" Then
                  Dim emailRegEx As System.String = "^(([A-Za-z0-9]+_+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\-+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\.+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\++))*[A-Za-z0-9]+@((\w+\-+)|(\w+\.))*\w{1,63}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$"
                  Dim myRegEx As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(emailRegEx)
                  Dim myMatch As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match
                  myMatch = myRegEx.Match(geRecord.GetValue("Email").ToString)
                  If myMatch.Success Then
                          oResult.Success = True
                         'email did not pass regular expression test
                         oResult.Success = False
                         oResult.Message = geRecord.GetValue("Email").ToString & _                                                                                                       "
                                 is not a valid email address. Please reenter the Associate's email."
                  End If
                  'nothing to validate, return true         
                  oResult.Success = True
      End If
      'Validation Script Failed
      oResult.Success = False
      oResult.Message = "The Email Field Validation script failed unexpectedly. " & _
                                 "Check the script for logical errors."
End Try

The Sample Application also contains a validation script that performs the same function for the Email field in the Customers entity.

About the Vehicle Models Entity Year Field Sample Validation Script

This field's validation script enforces a business rule that only allows only vehicle models between 10 years old and 1 year greater than the current year to be added to the system. It compares the current year against the value entered in the record's Year field.

Within the context of the sample application, this requirement is defined in BPR7: Prevent Older Model Vehicles from Entering Fleet and the implementation is described in About the Data Quality Design for the Sample Application.

The full text of the script appears below:

 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 ' This script enforces the business rule that only allows for 
 ' vehicles to have the Year field between 10 years old to 1 year 
 ' greater than current 
 Dim iCurrentYear As Integer = System.DateTime.Now.Year 
 Dim iEnteredValue As Integer = CInt(geRecord.GetValue("Year")) 
 If iEnteredValue < iCurrentYear-10 Then 
            ' Validation Failed: Entered Value is Less than the Lower Bound for this Field: Its greater than 10 years old. 
            oResult.Success = False 
            oResult.Message = "Year must be greater or equal to " & (iCurrentYear-10).tostring 
 ElseIf iEnteredValue > iCurrentYear + 1 Then 
            ' Validation Failed: Entered Value is Greater Than the Current Year + 1 Year 
            oResult.Success = False 
            oResult.Message = iEnteredValue.ToString & _ 
                              " is more than a year past the current year (" & _ 
                                       iCurrentYear.ToString & ") and is not allowed." 
            ' Year is between the current year - 10 and the current year +1, 
            ' so allow the validation process to continue by setting the 
            ' result to True 
            oResult.Success = True 
 End If 


About the Vehicles Entity VIN Field Sample Validation Script

This field includes a validation script that ensures that the value provided by a user is in the proper Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) format. Specifically, the script ensures that the value is 17 characters long does not contain these characters: o, O, i, I, u, or U.

Within the context of the sample application, this requirement is defined in BPR10: Enforce VIN Number Accuracy and the implementation is described in About the Data Quality Design for the Sample Application.

See Adding a Validation Script to a Field for a detailed example using this script.

About the Vehicles Entity DisposalMethod and DisposalDate Fields Sample Validation Script

These fields contain a validation script which ensures that when one field is set, the other field must also be set. (In other words, if a user enters a Date Disposed for a vehicle, then the user must also select a Disposal Method.)

Within the context of the sample application, this requirement is defined in BPR12: Track Vehicle Disposal and the implementation is described in About the Data Quality Design for the Sample Application.

The full text of the script for the DateDisposed field appears below. The field validation fails if the Disposal Method is set to a value other than N/A and the DateDisposed is either blank or NULL. Also, the script prevents a user from marking a vehicle as Disposed while it is Rented. (Note that since this validation appears for both fields, a user will receive a validation prompt with two duplicate messages if trying to dispose of a rented vehicle.)

If geRecord.Fields.Item("DateDisposed").IsDirty _ 
                           AndAlso geRecord.GetValue("VehicleStatus").ToString = "Rented" Then 
               oResult.Success = False 
               oResult.Message = "This Vehicle can not be disposed while its status is rented." 
               If geRecord.GetValue("DisposalMethod").ToString <> "N/A" _ 
                                        AndAlso (IsDBNull(geRecord.GetValue("DateDisposed")) _ 
                                               OrElse geRecord.GetValue("DateDisposed").ToString = "") Then 
                           oResult.Success = False 
                           oResult.Message = "If this Vehicle has been disposed, both the method" & _ 
                                               " and date of disposal must be specified." 
                          oResult.Success = True 
               End If 
End If


The full text of the script for the DisposalMethod field appears below. The field validation fails if the DateDisposed is set (i.e., not blank or NULL) and the Disposal Method is set to N/A. Also, the script prevents a user from marking a vehicle as Disposed while it is Rented. (Note that since this validation appears for both fields, a user will receive a validation prompt with two duplicate messages if trying to dispose of a rented vehicle.)

If geRecord.Fields.Item("DisposalMethod").IsDirty _ 
                             AndAlso geRecord.GetValue("VehicleStatus").ToString = "Rented" Then 
                oResult.Success = False 
                oResult.Message = "This Vehicle can not be disposed while its status is rented." 
                If Not IsDBNull(geRecord.GetValue("DateDisposed")) _ 
                                       AndAlso geRecord.GetValue("DateDisposed").ToString <> "" _ 
                                       AndAlso geRecord.GetValue("DisposalMethod").ToString = "N/A" Then 
                             oResult.Success = False 
                             oResult.Message = "If this Vehicle has been disposed, both the method" & _ 
                                                           " and date of disposal must be specified." 
                             oResult.Success = True 
                End If 
End If

About the Vehicles Entity VehicleStatusID Field Sample Validation Script

This field's validation script automatically sets the vehicle's status automatically each time the record is saved. Within the context of the sample application, this requirement is defined in BPR11: Automatically Track Vehicle Status and Mileage and the implementation is described in About the Data Quality Design for the Sample Application.

The full text of the script appears below. This script queries other entities in the database to determine if outstanding Service Tickets or Rental Agreements exist for this vehicle to assist with setting the status appropriately. This is the most complicated of the validation scripts as it sets rather than merely checks the value of the VehicleStatusID field. It also includes Aptify's Exception Management functionality to capture and display any errors that occur during the validation update.

'Validation to enforce Business Rules for a Vehicle's Status 
'When a Vehicle's Status is attempted to be changed, the following rules must be met for the status: 
'1. If a Vehicle's DateDisposed and DisposalMethod are filled in, then the Vehicle's Status is Discarded and cannot be used at all. 
'2. Else If a RentalAgreement exists for the VehicleID and the RentalDate is < Today and no ReturnDate exists then the Vehicle is currently Rented 
'3. Else If a ServiceTicket exists for the VehicleID and it is still outstanding (NOT (ServiceStatus = Completed AND ReleaseToFleet = 1) Then the Vehicle's Status is Servicing 
'4. Else the Vehicle is Available. 
       Dim status As System.String 
       Dim sSQL As System.String 
       Dim count As System.Int32 
       Dim oDA As Aptify.Framework.DataServices.DataAction 
       oDA = New Aptify.Framework.DataServices.DataAction(geRecord.UserCredentials) 
       '1. Is this Vehicle Discarded? 
       ' Assertion: Both the DateDisposed and DisposalMethod not N/A for the Vehicle to be 'Discarded' 
       If Not IsDBNull(geRecord.GetValue("DateDisposed")) _ 
                    AndAlso geRecord.GetValue("DateDisposed").ToString <> "" _ 
                    AndAlso geRecord.GetValue("DisposalMethod").ToString <> "N/A" Then 
                   'This Vehicle is Discarded 
               status = "Discarded" 
       '2. Is this Vehicle currently Rented? 
       ' Assertion: If CheckInClerkID is filled in then the rental has been Checked-In 
               sSQL = "SELECT count " & _ 
                  "FROM vwRentalAgreements " & _ 
                  "WHERE RentalDate < GetDate() " & _ 
                  "AND CheckInClerkID IS NULL " & _ 
                  "AND VehicleID = " & geRecord.GetValue("ID").ToString 
               count = CInt(oDA.ExecuteScalar(sSQL)) 
               If Not IsDBNull(count) And count > 0 Then 
                   'This Vehicle is rented 
                   status = "Rented" 
                   '3. Is this vehicle being Serviced? 
                   sSQL = "SELECT count " & _ 
                       "FROM vwServiceTickets " & _ 
                      "WHERE NOT (ServiceStatus = 'Completed' " & _ 
                      "AND ReleaseToFleet = 1 ) " & _ 
                      "AND VehicleID = " & geRecord.GetValue("ID").ToString 
                  count = CInt(oDA.ExecuteScalar(sSQL)) 
                  If Not IsDBNull(count) And count > 0 Then 
                     'This Vehicle is rented 
                       status = "Servicing" 
                   '4. If none of the above conditions are true, then this vehicle is Available 
                    status = "Available" 
                  End If 
               End If 
       End If 
          'Force the Vehicle's Status 
          'The StatusID will need to be queried from the VehicleStatuses entity 
       sSQL = "SELECT ID " & _ 
           "FROM vwVehicleStatuses " & _ 
           "WHERE Name = '" & status & "'" 
       Dim statusID As System.Int32 = CInt(oDA.ExecuteScalar(sSQL)) 
       If Not IsDBNull(statusID) AndAlso statusID > 0 Then 
                    geRecord.SetValue("VehicleStatusID", statusID) 
                oResult.Success = True 
                oResult.Success = False 
                oResult.Message = "The Vehicle Status script failed unexpectedly. " & _ 
                       " The query for " & status & " returned an ID of " & statusID & _ 
                       "Check the script for logical errors." 
       End If 
 Catch ex As System.Exception 
       ' Validation Script Failed 
       oResult.Success = False 
       oResult.Message = "The Vehicle Status script failed unexpectedly. " & _ 
                "See the Error Log for more details." 
 End Try
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