Using Applications and Services

Aptify stores your organization's data as records within the Services. Each Service corresponds to one collection of data. For example, the Groups service maintains information about the user groups that are available for your organization's Aptify installation. For example, the 'Persons' service maintains information about your organization's customers or members, such as the customer/member's Name, Address, Telephone number, and email address.

Applications group one or more related Services together under a common heading. For example, the Users Administration application deals with all aspects of user and group management. Another example, the Customer Management application deals with all aspects of managing customer information and contains services such as Persons, Companies, Contact Log, and Notes.

For a table of the Services and their associated Applications, see About the Services and their Applications. For a table of the Applications and their associated services, see About the Applications and their Services.


Some articles in this section display content specific to the Smart Client application, as not all the functionality is currently available in the Aptify Web application.

This topic discusses the following sub-topics related to Applications and Services:

Adding an Application

This topic describes how a user can add an application(s) to their profile.

Note that a user must have the necessary permission and be assigned the appropriate license in order to see and add a particular application to his or her profile. Application permissions and licenses are assigned to users and user groups by the system administrator.

When a user adds an application to his or her profile in Aptify Web, that application becomes available in the Navigation Bar. 

Perform the following steps to add an application to your profile in Aptify Web.

  1. Click the 'Manage Applications' button, this opens Applications pop-up menu. 


    • The Aptify Applications pop-up menu is a List of Applications with checkbox against each: 
      • The unchecked checkbox against an application indicates applications that are available to the user but are not currently in the user's profile.
      • The checked box against an application indicates applications that are currently in the user's profile. 
  1. You can perform a keyboard search to find a particular application. To do so, type the first characters of Application name in the search text box on top. When a match exists, the selection will appear below.
  2. Select the application and click OK.
    • The Aptify Web instance refreshes and application gets added the current Applications list on the left navigation bar.
  3. Repeat steps 1 through 3 as needed until all desired applications are listed in the left navigation bar.
    • You can also add more than one application by selecting more than one application from the pop-up menu or click on 'Select' All' option in Step 1. 
  4. Applications appear in the alphabetical order in the left navigation bar.

Removing an Application

This topic describes how to remove an application from a user's profile.

Perform the following steps to remove an application from your profile in Aptify Web.

  1. Click the 'Manage Applications' button, this opens Applications pop-up menu.


    • The Aptify Applications pop-up menu is a List of Applications with checkbox against each: 
      • The unchecked checkbox against an application indicates applications that are available to the user but are not currently in the user's profile.
      • The checked box against an application indicates applications that are currently in the user's profile. 
  1. You can perform a keyboard search to find a particular application. To do so, type the first characters of Application name in the search text box on top. When a match exists, the selection will appear below.
  2. Unselect the application and click OK.
    • The Aptify Web instance refreshes and application gets removed from the current Applications list on the left navigation bar.
  3. Repeat steps 1 through 3 as needed until all desired applications are removed from the left navigation bar.
    • You can also remove more than one application by selecting more than one application from the pop-up menu or click on 'Select' All' option in Step 1.
  1. See Using the Application Context Menu for information on the options that are available when right clicking an Application in the Navigation Bar and Folder List.

Adding and Removing Services

This topic describes how to add and remove Services from their respective Applications in a user's profile.
Each Application consists of one or more related Services, and a Service may be listed in more than one Application. See Adding Services to Aptify Applications for information on how to specify which Services appear in a particular Application and Administering Users and Groups for information on how to set user permissions.
Initially, a user's profile contains all of the Services in an Application, as defined by the system administrator. However, a user can add or remove Services from his or her profile as necessary.
Perform the following steps to add or remove Services associated with an Application in a user's profile using Aptify Web.
  1. Within the Navigation Bar, select the Application that contains the Service(s) you wish to add or remove from your profile.             

2. The services under the selected Application will be displayed.

3. Click the 'Manage Services' button, this opens Services pop-up menu.     


The Services pop-up menu is a List of Services under an Application with checkbox against each: 

      • The unchecked checkbox against a Service indicates Services that are available to the user but are not currently in the user's profile.
      • The checked box against a Service indicates Services that are currently in the user's profile. 

4. You can perform a keyboard search to find a particular service. To do so, type the first characters of Service name in the search text box on top. When a match exists, the selection will appear below.

5. Select the Service and click OK.

    • The Aptify Web instance refreshes and service gets added under the current Applications list on the left navigation bar.

To remove a service from your profile, repeat steps 1 to 4 above. Unselect the Service you would like to remove from the Application. You can also move more than one service at a time by selecting more than one checkbox on Services pop-up menu.


Viewing the Properties of a Service

You can view additional information about a particular service by navigating to Development Application. 

Follow these steps to view the Properties of a Service:

  1. Select Development Application
  2. Navigate to Entities service.
  3. Type the service name in the search feature on right side and select it.

4. The service entity record includes several different tabs as shown below

Few of the mains tabs are:

Fields Tab

This tab displays the list of fields contained in the specified service. You can use this tab to quickly review a service's fields, their data type and default values, and to determine which fields are required to save a new record (as indicated by the Required column fields that are selected in this column must have a value in order to save a new record in this service). 

Base Views Tab

This tab displays Base Views created on top of the entity.

Database Objects Tab

This tab displays database objects - Stored Procedures, Views created on top of the entity.

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