About the Campaign Import File Types Form

Campaign Import File Types records to store information on Import File types that are available for the Campaign Import wizard. See Importing Prospects from an External File for details.


Attachments Tab

All attachments associated with the Campaign Import File Types record are listed on this tab.

Columns Tab

The columns tab lists all the columns expected in a file of this type in the order expected. Each column in the file maps to a field in the Mapping Entity (Persons or Companies, specified on the General tab).
If a column has the Show In Display option selected, the data from that particular column appears in the Display Data field of the Campaign List Import Run Details records associated with an import run of this file type.


Comments Tab

The Comments tab contains any additional details relevant to the Campaign Import File Types record.

Configuration Tab

This tab specifies the objects that provide the functionality to read, match, and post data in this file format. Aptify provides a set of standard file types, but a developer can create additional file types as needed. 


Specifies the location in the Aptify Object Repository for the object that provides the functionality to read the import file format.

Class (required)

The class name that is contained within the Object specified that provides the functionality to read the import file format.


The .NET assembly name of the Object that provides the functionality to read the import file format.

Record Match Object

Specifies the location in the Aptify Object Repository for the object that provides the functionality to match the data imported from a file of this type against existing records.

Record Match Class

The class name that is contained within the Object specified that provides the functionality to match the data imported from a file of this type against existing records.

Record Match Assembly

The .NET assembly name of the Object that provides functionality to match the data imported from a file of this type against existing records.

Record Post Object

Specifies the location in the Aptify Object Repository for the object that provides the functionality to post unmatched data extracted from a file of this format as new records in Aptify.

Record Post Class

The class name that is contained within the Object specified that provides the functionality to post unmatched data extracted from a file of this format as new records in Aptify.

Record Post Assembly

The .NET assembly name of the Object that provides functionality to post unmatched data extracted from a file of this format as new records in Aptify.

General Tab

Name (required)

The name of the Import File Type.


A description of the Import File Type.

Mapping Entity

The name of the entity to which data in a file of this format maps to. If an external file of this type contains person data, then select Persons. If the data is for companies, then select Companies. This only options for this field are Persons and Companies.

Num Header Lines

If a file of this format is expected to have one or more header rows or lines, specify that number in this field.


Related Topics

How to Use Campaign Management

Setting up a Campaign

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