Updating the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe File

In each release of Aptify, there is an updated version of the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe file. Your Application Servers should be updated with the latest AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe file when you upgrade your Aptify environment. This topic describes how to update the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe file on your Application Servers.

Aptify includes enhancements to the Aptify Async Processor to ensure that scheduled mail tasks are triggered as expected.

To implement these changes, Aptify has an updated Aptify Asynchronous Processor. This requires that you apply an updated version of the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe file to the Application Server. The updated AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe file is included in the Service Pack distribution package's Application Server Update folder.

Note Concerning Duplicate Windows Tasks

If you are applying Aptify 6.0 to an Aptify 5.5.3 environment that has pre-existing scheduled views, you may need to follow additional steps to ensure duplicate Windows Tasks are not executed on your application server. See Note Concerning Duplicate Windows Tasks for Scheduled Views for more details. 

Follow these steps to install the updated AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe on the Aptify Application Server:

  1. Install the Aptify update on your database server.
  2. Install and configure the Application Server components on the application server. See Installing an Application Server and Configuring an Application Server for details.


    Aptify recommends that you run the Object Repository Synchronizer utility to update the Application Server's Aptify program files folder (typically C:\Program Files\Aptify 6.0) so it has the latest Aptify objects. See Updating the Object Repository for Application Server for more information.


  3. Locate the updated AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe file which is included the Aptify distribution file. The file is in the Application Server Update folder.
  4. Copy the updated AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe file to a temporary location on the Application Server.

    If you are only planning to use one instance of the async processor, you do not need to copy the updated version of the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe.config. However, if you plan to install more than one instance of the async processor, you will also need to copy the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe.config file to the Application Server to configure all additional instances. See Configuring Multiple Instances of the Aptify Asynchronous Processor for more details. 

  5. From the Windows Services dialog (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services), stop the Aptify 6.0 Asynchronous Processor service (depending on the original version of the application server).
    Replace the existing AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe file in the Aptify program files folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Aptify 6.0) with the updated version included with the Aptify update.
  6. IIf you are running more than one instance of the Aptify Application Server, you will need to replace the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe for all instances. See Configuring Multiple Instances of the Aptify Asynchronous Processor for more details. 

  7. From the Windows Services dialog, restart the Aptify 6.0Asynchronous Processor service.
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