About the Process Untargeted Runs Setting

Process Flow Runs are either Targeted or Untargeted.

A Targeted Process Flow Run is assigned to a specific Application Server. The assigned Application Server appears in the run record's Application Server field. Only the specified server can execute the Process Flow Run. Process Flow Runs created by Scheduled Tasks are Targeted.

An Untargeted Process Flow Run is a run that is not assigned to a specific Application Server. Its Application Server field is blank, as shown below. Any Application Server that is configured to process untargeted runs can execute the Process Flow Run. Process Flow Runs created by an Event Handler are Untargeted.

Untargeted Process Flow Run

An Application Server always processes runs that are assigned to it. For Untargeted runs, you can configure the Application Server's behavior by setting the Process Untargeted Runs parameter in the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe.config file: when set to 1, the server processes untargeted runs and runs that are assigned to it; when set to 0, the server only processes run assigned to it.

During installation of the Application Server, select the ProcessUntargetedRuns option. If you want to change this configuration at a later date, you can configure the ProcessUntargetedRuns parameter in the AptifyAsyncProcessor.ini configuration file (when set to 1, the server processes untargeted runs and runs that are assigned to it; when set to 0, the server only processes run assigned to it).

At least one Application Server must have the Process Untargeted Runs option enabled.

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