Setting up CardPointe with Aptify

This topic provides information on setting up and configuring Aptify to integrate with CardPointe. 

This article is divided into below sub-topics:

Creating new Payment Type for Hosted iFrame Tokenizer

Note: Below steps are common for both the Aptify Web and Aptify Smart Client applications.

  1. Log into Aptify as an "Admin User".
  2. Go to Order Entry Administration Application.
  3. Right click Payment Types service and select the "New Payment Types Record" option. 
  4. Fill in the following details:
    1. Name - As per your choice
    2. Type - Hosted iFrame Tokenizer
    3. Check the Inflow, Active, Web Enabled and Allow "Save for Future Use" checkboxes as per your requirement.
    4. Fill in the required information in the other tabs.
    5. Save and close the record. 


Note:  After creating the above new payment type, run the following process flows to apply changes to Aptify Web.

  1. Generate HTML5 Web Entity Metadata for the Payment Types entity.
  2. Generate HTML5 Web Form Template UI Parts for the form template, Payment Information Control Template_Credit Card CardPointe Payment Transaction
  3. Generate HTML5 Web UI Part Metadata Items for All UI part metadata items.


Configuring the CardPointe merchant account

  1. Log in to Aptify as an "Admin User".
  2. Go to Order Entry Administration Application.
  3. Right click Merchant Accounts service and select the New Merchant Accounts Record option. 
  4.  In the General tab, fill in the details as mentioned below:
    1. Fill in the Merchant Account Name field as CardPointe
    2. Set the Authorization Type as AuthOnly/AuthCapture, depending on your requirement.
    3. Set Fraud Check Level, Fraud Check Threshold, Do AVS Check and AVS Threshold fields as per your requirement.
    4. The following checkboxes have to be checked:
      1. Is Active?
      2. Do CSC Check (if required)
      3. Use Additional Parameters
      4. Use Reference Transactions
    5. In the PlugIns tab, fill in the following details exactly as given below. It is recommended to copy and paste the below values to avoid errors.
      1. Authorization Assembly - ElectronicPayment.CardPointe
      2. Authorization Object - CRM.ElectronicPayment.CardPointe
      3. Authorization Class - Aptify.Applications.OrderEntry.Payments.ElectronicPayment.CardPointe.ElectronicPaymentCardPointe
      4. Capture Assembly - ElectronicPayment.CardPointe
      5. Capture Object - CRM.ElectronicPayment.CardPointe
      6. Capture Class - Aptify.Applications.OrderEntry.Payments.ElectronicPayment.CardPointe.ElectronicPaymentCardPointe
    6. In the Attributes tab, fill in the following details:
      1. GatewayLocation - Base URL of CardPointe Gateway RESTful web services. (For example,
      2. Username - Provided by CardPointe
      3. Password - Provided by Cardpointe
      4. OperationMode - As per requirement
      5. MerchantID - Provided by Cardpointe
    7. In the Payment Types tab, add the necessary payment types to be used for payment, including the newly created payment type for the Hosted iFrame Tokenizer. 
    8. In the Currency Types tab, add the necessary currency type records. 
    9. Save and Close the record.

Hosted iFrame Tokenizer

With the introduction of Cardpointe in Aptify 7.1, the Hosted iFrame Tokenizer is also integrated with Aptify Smart Client, Aptify Web and e-Business. The Hosted iFrame Tokenizer helps to reduce Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) audit scope by providing a secure iFrame. The iFrame is embedded into online checkout page to accept and transmit sensitive payment data to CardSecure (CardPointe platform's P2PE-validated encryption and tokenization solution) for tokenization.

A new HTML page has been built with embedded JavaScript, called, HostedTokenizerPaymentForm.html. This new page is used to design and develop a new checkout page for all the Aptify applications. It is the preferred mode of checkout for payments that use the CardPointe merchant account. The iFrame in the HTML file has the CardPointe's Hosted iFrame Tokenizer embedded. 

    <iframe id="tokenframe" name="tokenframe" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="600" 
height="200" src="!important%3B%0A%7D%0A%23ccnumfield%7B%0Awidth%3A%20230px%3B%0A%7D%0Alabel%7B%0Afont-family%3A%20Roboto%2C%20arial%2C%20sans-serif%3B%0Afont-size%3A14px%3B%20%0Afont-weight%3A400%3B%20%0Acolor%3A%23555%3B%0Adisplay%3A%20block%3B%0Amargin-bottom%3A%205px%3B%0A%7D%0Alabel%2Bbr%7B%0Adisplay%3A%20none%3B%0A%7D">

The "src" attribute of the iFrame contains the Tokenizer's URL provided by Cardpointe.  The section of the URL marked in red is to be replaced with the base URL of the CardPointe Gateway provided by CardConnect. The URL consists of various parameters which corresponds to the fields on the form such as CVV and Expiry. It customizes the requirements for response from CardPointe's side and add custom CSS.

For example, when the useexpiry and usecvv fields are set to true in the parameters, the payment form would show the CVV and Expiry fields. Read More for information on customizing the Hosted iFrame Tokenizer.

In the below image, the section marked in red shows the Hosted iFrame Tokenizer provided by CardPointe as per the URL entered above:



Once the user fills in the card details and clicks outside the section of the iFrame, anywhere on the Payment form, the token gets generated. This token is used for making the payments, thereby, eliminating our application's access to the card details.


Configuration specific to Aptify Smart Client

  • Make sure that you are using the latest version of Internet Explorer (IE) on the machine where Aptify Smart Client is installed.
  • Make sure that the Internet Explorer has Cardconnect URL added to its trusted sites. Following are the steps to add the Cardconnect URL. Open IE → Go to Setting → In the Internet Options → Select Security tab → Select Trusted sites → click sites → add <<base URL of the CardPointe Gateway>> → click close.
    If the setting is not present, then add it as Administrator user.
  • Run the Object Repository Synchronizer utility in case the iFrame and its images are not displaying properly.








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