Configuring Crowd Wisdom Integration on e-Business 6/7

To be able to connect to the eBiz6 API you will need to obtain a token.

The client will provide you a set of username and password to use. They will set up the credentials so it’s able to access the endpoints. The user they create will need to have the web user group ‘LMS Vendor’ added.

The Base URL for eBiz6 endpoints, vary from client to client. This will be the usual pattern:

[GET] Authenticate:

Get a token to be used in subsequent API calls.

URL: [Base URL]/services/Authentication/Login/ebusinesswebuser?Username={username}&Password={password}

Sample Response:

From this response, we need to use the TokenId property to make further calls to the eBiz6 API.

"UserId": long,
"UserName": "string",
"Email: "string",
"FirstName": "string",
"LastName": "string",
"Title": "string",
"LinkId": "string",
"CompanyId": "",
"TokenId": "4cc7b497-ac18-4924-9872-30e294f81cea",
"Server": "string",
"Database": "string",
"AptifyUserID": long,
"AptifyUser": "string",
"AuthenticationTime": "date string",
"AuthenticatedPersonId": long

The TokenId needs to be passed for the other endpoints as a header:

Header Name Header Value
AptifyAuthorization ebusinesswebuser {TokenId}

[GET] Get Profile Details:

To get information of a specific person in Aptify. The PersonID parameter is the ID of the person that we need info for.

URL: [Base URL]/v1/GetProfile/{PersonID}

Sample Response:

"FirstName": "string",
"LastName": "string",
"Email": "string",
"MemberType": "string"

[POST] Post Credit:

When a user finishes a class in Crowdwisdom, make a call to

[Base URL]/v1/PostCredit

Sample Response: No Response

Sample Request Body: 

NOTE: The parameters passed in are the same that are passed to the Classic eBiz integration, but now in JSON version.

"Payload": "{'Score':20,'PersonID':10,'CreditValue':0,'CompletionStatus':'Passed',
"LMSSystemID": 1
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