Configuring Crowd Wisdom Integration on classic e-Business

This page details down the step-by-step instructions to update the classic e-Business (CMS and Non-CMS) controls to work with Crowd Wisdom LMS integration.



  1. Copy the Crowd Wisdom integration package provided by Aptify support team.
  2. Open the package and copy-paste the App_Code, User Controls (Meetings and Education folder), WebServices content into the respective folders in the e-Business installed path.

    • Copy App_Code folder from package and paste it to e-Business installed- > App_Code folder.

    • Copy Aptify_Education folder content from UserControls folder and replace it to eBusiness installed Aptify_Education UserControls path.
    • Copy Aptify_Meetings folder content from UserControls folder and replace it to eBusiness installed Aptify_Meetings UserControls path.
    • Copy LMSEndpoints file from Webservices folder and add it to eBusiness installed Webservices folder.

      Please note that you will have to merge your customization changes to the updated files above.

  3. Download and copy the below dlls required for LMS integration from Smartclient installed path (C:\Program Files\Aptify 5.0 is the default install path).
    1. Aptify.Integrations.dll
    2. Aptify.LMS.dll
    3. RestSharp.dll
  4. Traverse to the Bin folder of your e-Business installed path. (For example- C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CMS\bin)
  5. Paste the Dll copied from step 3 in Bin folder (Applicable for both CMS and Non-CMS)
    1. Aptify.Integrations.dll
    2. Aptify.LMS.dll
    3. RestSharp.dll
  6. Restart IIS.
  7. Confirm that the e-Business meetings and education control are working correctly with above changes.
  8. Confirm that you are able to use the Crowd Wisdom integration correctly as described on Using Crowd Wisdom LMS with Aptify page.

API Information / How to Test

Each client will install their own set of web services. The services themselves won't change (unless a client has very specific requirements), but the Base URL of the web services will be expected to change. The web services will looks something like this:


From this, the [BaseURL] is expected to be different from client to client. A WSDL can be generated from that URL by hitting the following URL:



  • You must provide Crowd Wisdom with a username and password as well as an LMS ID. You can set any username and PWD (callbackUsername & callbackPassword) and the LMS ID is normally ID 1 (see Installing and Configuring Crowd Wisdom in Aptify for more information).
    Crowd Wisdom will use those credentials and hit the Authenticate endpoint. If you follow the endpoint, it will let you know what parameters it expects:
    • [BaseURL]/WebServices/LMSEndpoints.asmx?op=Authenticate
  • When authentication is successful, a token will be provided. This token will need to be passed in order to make further calls.
  • The endpoint takes (all required):
    • Username
    • Password
    • LMSSystemID


  • This endpoint will return basic information about the person whose ID is passed as a parameter:
    • [BaseURL]/WebServices/LMSEndpoints.asmx?op=GetProfile
  • This will return information such as FirstName, LastName, Email and MemberType
  • The endpoint takes (all required):
    • Token
    • PersonID: ID of the person whose data will be retrieved.


  • This endpoint will be called when data needs to be pushed to Aptify regarding the completion of a class. Although the name implies a credit is being created, this endpoint can also be called for classes that have no credit associated with them. In this case a status change will be performed within Aptify.
    • [BaseURL]/WebServices/LMSEndpoints.asmx?op=PostCredit
  • The endpoint takes (all required):
    • Token
    • LMSSystemID: provided to Crowd Wisdom from initial setup. 
    • Payload: JSON object similar to this.
  • When the registering for a course happens through CrowdWisdom (there's no Subscription call made to CrowdWisdom):
    • Required properties: Person ID, Product ID.
    • Transaction ID is optional.
  • When the registration for a course happens through Aptify (Aptify makes a Subscription call to CrowdWisdom):
    • Required properties: Transaction ID.
    • Person ID, Product ID are optional.


'PersonID': 1,
'ProductID': 1234,
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