Developing for the Generic GL Export Drivers Plug-In

Aptify 5.5.4 and higher supports the use of the Generic GL Export Drivers plug-in to extract general ledger (GL) data to be used in Great Plains, Quickbooks or any other accounting software. Using this tool, you can extract any columns in any format.

The plug-in by default supports exporting GL data using the class names and respective ExportSystemType attributes values listed in the following table.

Class Name

ExportSystemType Attribute Value









This topic contains the information necessary for developers to configure the environment to use the Generic GL Export Drivers plug-in to export GL data for accounting software applications that do not use the four default export formats.

Configuring the GLExportDriver Plug In Type

Aptify 5.5.4 and higher versions supports the ability to export general ledger (GL) account data in formats other than the four default formats found in the Generic GL Export Drivers plug-in. This topic describes how a developer can configure the class name of the GL Export Drive plug-in to support this feature.

  1. Open the Batches entity from the Entities service in the Framework application.
  2. Click the Plug In tab and open the GLExportDrive Plug In record.
  3. In the Class Name field enter your desired class name for the export file.

    • The class names delivered with Aptify are:

      • Aptify.Applications.Accounting.GreatPlainsExport (default value)

      • Aptify.Applications.Accounting.SolomonExport

      • Aptify.Applications.Accounting.RossFinancialsExport

      • Aptify.Applications.Accounting.NavisionExport


    • If you want to export to different accounting package, you can do the following:

      1. Develop a new version of the GLExportDrivers DLL for the GLExportDrivers Object Repository Object. 

      2. Update the Local Filename field in the GLExportDrivers Object Repository Object record to use the file name of the updated DLL. See Updating Object Repository Objects.

      3. Develop a stored procedure for your accounting package. 
      4. Create a database object for this stored procedure. See Creating Database Objects.
      5. Specify the class name for your accounting package in this field. This can be viewed in the Classed tab of the GLExportDrivers Object Repository Object record.

  4. Click OK to save the class name.
  5. See Configuring the Export Attribute Values.

Configuring the Export Attribute Values

Aptify 5.5.4 and higher versions supports the ability to export general ledger (GL) account data in formats other than the four default formats found in the Generic GL Export Drivers plug-in. This topic describes how a developer can configure the export attributes to support this feature.

  1. Perform the steps in Configuring the GLExportDriver Plug In Type, if they have not been already performed.
  2. Return to the Batches entity and click the Configuration > Attributes tab.
  3. Open the ExportSystemType attribute record.
  4. In the Value field, enter the desired export system attribute value.

    • The export system attribute values delivered with Aptify are:

      • GreatPlainsExport (default value)

      • SolomonExport

      • RossFinancialsExport

      • NavisionExport


    • If you are exporting to different accounting package, enter the export system attribute value defined for the package.

  5. Click OK to save the attribute value.
  6. Return to the Batches entity and click the Configuration tab.
  7. Open the UseGLExportFormat attribute record.
  8. In the Value field, enter 1

    When set to 1 (true), the system uses the stored procedure specified by the DatabaseObjectsForExportSystemType attribute to format the extracted GL data during the GL Batch wizard process. When set to 0 (false) or when this attribute is not specified, the system uses the default file format provided by Aptify (this is the behavior in Aptify 5.5.3 and earlier).

  9. Click OK to save the attribute value.
  10. Return to the Batches entity and click the Configuration tab.
  11. Open the DataBaseObjectForExportSystemType attribute record.
  12. In the Value field, enter the desired stored procedure value to specify the format in which the Export GL batch data is retrieved.

    This field is active when UseGLExportFormat is set to 1 (true).

    • The export system attribute values delivered with Aptify are:

      • spGetGLBatchExportInGreatPlainsFormat

      • spGetGLBatchExportInSolomanFormat

      • spGetGLBatchExportInNavisionFormat

      • spGetGLBatchExportInRossFinancialsExportFormat 

    • If you are exporting to a different accounting package, enter the stored procedure you created. 

  13. Click OK to save the attribute value.
  14. See Configuring the Other Export System Public JavaScript Method.

Configuring the Other Export System Public JavaScript Method

Aptify 5.5.4 and higher versions supports the ability to export general ledger (GL) account data in formats other than the four default formats found in the Generic GL Export Drivers plug-in. In this topic, the developer configures the exportFileUsingOtherExportSystem method to use a customer-defined GL data export format.

  1. Browse to the location of the applications folder for the Aptify scripts. For example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Aptify\script\Aptify\applications
  2. Open the Aptify.applications.batches.batchWizard.UI.js file for editing.
  3. Search for the exportFileUsingOtherExportSystem method.

    this.exportFileUsingOtherExportSystem = function (jq, batchId) {
       try {
           console.log("Please update 'Aptify.applications.batches.batchwizard.UI.exportFilesUsingOtherExportSystem' method with your implementation.")
       } catch (ex) {


  4. Update this method to support the customer-defined GL data export format.
    • This method needs to execute a related process flow.
    • File should be generated using the related process component.
    • See Managing Process Pipelines for more information on process flows. 
  5. Update the calling method, exportGLEntries, to call the exportFileUsingOtherExportSystem method.

    this.exportGLEntries = function (jq, batchId) {
        //Show Export Batch dialog
        try {
            var exportSystemType = Aptify.framework.metaData.entities.getAttribute("Batches", "exportSystemType");
            if (exportSystemType) {
                switch (exportSystemType.toLowerCase()) {
                    case 'solomonexport': case 'navisionexport': case 'greatplainsexport': //GreatPlainsExport
                        Aptify.applications.batches.batchWizard.UI.exportFileUsingSolomanNavisioneAndGreatPlainsSystem(jq, batchId);
                    case 'rossfinancialsexport': 
                        Aptify.applications.batches.batchWizard.UI.exportFileUsingRossFinancialSystem(jq, batchId);
                        Aptify.applications.batches.batchWizard.UI.exportFileUsingOtherExportSystem(jq, batchId);
        } catch (ex) {


  6. Save and close the Aptify.applications.batches.batchWizard.UI.js file.
  7. Return to your Aptify session and generate metadata for the Batches entity. See Understanding Entity Metadata Generation for more information.

About the Batches Layout Control Part Settings

Aptify 5.5.4 and higher versions supports the ability to export general ledger (GL) account data in formats other than the four default formats found in the Generic GL Export Drivers plug-in. The figures in this topic illustrate settings for the layout control part for the UI Platforms record for the Aptify.Batches form template record.

  1. From the Aptify.Batches form templates record, click the UI Platforms tab and open the HTML5 Web record.


  2. Click the Layout Control Part link and refer to the following settings:



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