Aptify provides a complete revision tracking system for all records in the database. The Record History option can be turned on or off for each service by an administrator. See Enabling and Disabling Record History for information on enabling this option for a service. In the Aptify Desktop client, the Record History button appears in the Data Control Bar for the records associated with the service.
The Aptify web interface can be used to restore a previous version of a record. The ability to restore a previous version of a record and view data is not supported in the web interface.
When the Record History option is enabled for a particular service, Aptify maintains a chronological list of the changes that were made to each version of a record. In addition, the Record History shows who made the change and when.
One additional feature of Record History is the ability to restore previous versions of a record. Restoring a previous version does not destroy later versions of the record. Instead, it creates a new version that reverses the changes made after the selected version. Note that a user must have Delete permission to the service in order to use the Restore feature. In addition, note that the Record History Restore feature may not be available for all services. See Enabling and Disabling Record History for information on how to enable and disable record history functionality at the entity level.
This topic contains the following sub-topics that describe how to use the Record History.
Opening the Record History
To open the history of a record, do one of the following:
- Right-click a record in a view and select Record History from the context menu.
- Open a record and click the Record History button at the top of the form. Or, use the shortcut key, Ctrl + R. Note that this button is not available on the new records.
Aptify displays the history of the record to date including changes made, when, by whom, and any notes inserted about the changes.
- You may need to expand the width of the rows to display all of the changes associated with a particular version.
- If your organization requires that a user enter comments each time you create or modify a record in this service, those comments appear in the Comments column.
Note that this column only appears if one or more of the record versions includes a comment.
Note About the Web Interface
Adding comments to record versions is not currently supported in the Aptify Web interface. This is a desktop-only feature.
Note to Administrators
See Requiring Comments on Save for more details about configuring this functionality.
- If you do not have permission to one or more of the fields that were modified by another user, Aptify displays a message indicating that one or more changes have been made to the record but that the details cannot be displayed due to a lack of required permissions, as shown in the figure below.
To view the data for a particular version, select the version and click View Data. Aptify displays the version's data in the Object Viewer, which is an alternative way of accessing data within records. See Using the Object Viewer for more information on the Object Viewer.
Note About the Web Interface
The Object Viewer is not currently supported in the Aptify Web interface. This is a desktop-only feature.
Restoring Previous Versions of a Record
Under some circumstances, you may need to restore a record to a previous version. For example, if a user saved multiple unintended changes to a record, you can remove these changes by returning the record to a previous version.
Note that only users who have delete permissions to a service can use the Restore feature. If a user does not have Delete permission, the Restore button is unavailable within the Record History window. In addition, the user needs Delete permissions to a service's sub-type if the restore operation requires a user to delete one or more sub-type records.
Also, note that the Record History Restore feature may not be available for the service in which you are attempting to restore a record's previous version. In some cases, where records are highly state sensitive, it may be undesirable to allow Record History Restore operations. See Enabling and Disabling Record History for information on enabling Record History Restores and a list of entities that do not support record restorations by default in Aptify.
The Aptify Web interface can be used to restore a previous version of a record.
Follow these steps to restore a previous version of a record:
- Click on the View Record History button on the record to display the record history.
- Select the version to restore and click the Restore button.
- When prompted, click Yes to confirm that you want to return to the previous version.
- The system adds a new version to the Record History.
- The system adds a new version to the Record History.
- Click Close or X to close the Record History window.
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