Creating an Advertising Insertion Order

Advertising Insertion Orders can be created from the Advertising Insertion Orders service or through the Advertising Contracts record.

  1. Open a new Advertising Insertion Orders record from the service.
    Alternatively, you can also open a new record from the Insertion Orders tab on an Advertising Contracts record.
  2. Enter an advertising contract in the Contract field. This insertion order will be listed on the Insertion Order tab of the Advertising Contracts record when it is saved.
  3. Enter or select a Product Issue using the Find feature. Each insertion order is for a specific issue of the advertising product.
    When you enter a product issue, the Materials Due Date field on the Production > Materials sub-tab is populated with the Materials Due Date entered in the rate card's Deadlines record for that product issue.
  4. The current date appears in the Date Created field. Modify this date if necessary.
  5. If known, complete the Date Received and Date Sent fields with the applicable dates when the insertion order contract and/or materials were sent and approval received.
  6. Select a Status for the insertion order. The Status field determines when an Orders record is generated. Upon the initial save of an Insertion Orders record, the status must be either Verbal or Quote. A list of options and their results include:
    • Verbal: A verbal status does not create an Orders record, only an Advertising Insertion Orders record.
    • Quote: A quote status creates an Orders record with the order status marked Taken.
    • Approved: An approved status creates an Orders record with the order status marked Shipped. An insertion order needs to be saved first with an order status of verbal or quote before it can be changed to Approved.
    • On-Hold: An on-hold status suspends the insertion order but does not cancel it at this point. Once an order is canceled it cannot be undone, therefore it may be wise to put an insertion order on hold until you know for sure the order needs to be canceled.
    • Canceled: Marks the insertion order as canceled. If previously marked as Quote or Approved, the system creates a cancellation order and it locks down the insertion order, preventing fields from being changed. See Cancelling an Advertising Insertion Order for details.


  7. Configure the pricing information for the insertion order, as described in the following subsections:

  8. The rate card's currency information is passed to the Currency Type field on the insertion order as well as the orders that are generated when the insertion is saved as approved. Note that only one currency type can be defined per rate card. Therefore, the insertion order's currency type cannot be modified.
  9. Aptify automatically updates the order's General Ledger (GL) level in the Order Level field with the Advertiser's GL Order Level (if different from the default).
  10. Configure the other tabs and fields of the insertion order as necessary and then save the record. See Saving an Advertising Insertion Order for details.


Selecting Display Advertisement Features for Pricing

The pricing section of the General tab, labeled Pricing Based on Color, Size, and Position, lets you pick the advertisement features as they are defined in the rate cards to populate the pricing section. These fields become available once the Product Issue field is populated.

  1. Select from the list in the Size field to choose from the available sizes. Only sizes with the previously selected color scheme are available. After a size code is selected, the Position field becomes active.
  2. Select from the list in the Color field to choose from the available color schemes. Only color codes that are defined for a specific product issue in the Rate Cards records are available. After a color code is selected, the Size field becomes active.
  3. Select from the list in the Position field to choose from the available positions. Only advertising positions with the previously selected color scheme and size are available.

    Once the color, size and position codes are selected, the Base Rate from the Rates record that matches the selected combination populates the pricing fields in the pricing section of the General tab.


Selecting Classified Advertisement Features for Pricing

The pricing section on the General tab, labeled Pricing Based on Color, Size, and Position, can also determine if the advertisement is for a classified advertisement. By selecting the codes that were defined for the classified ads, the correct rate card can be used to determine the price of the classified ad.

  1. Once the color, size, and position codes for a classified advertisement have been chosen, select the Ad Caption tab on the form to select the advertisement product section. The Product Section record defines where the advertisement will display in the product.
  2. In the Product Section field, enter the specific classified advertisement section. Only the sections that are listed under the previously selected position code are available.
    Creating a new Products Sections record from an insertion order will not properly link the section to the publication. Therefore, the hyperlink functionality is disabled for the Product Sections field on Advertising Insertion Orders records to ensure that sections are not created directly from an insertion order.
  3. In the blank space below the Product Sections field, enter the text for the classified advertisement. The text entered determines the cost of the advertisement based on the unit count. 
  4. The Units Count field indicates how many units of text have been entered in the above text space. The unit count is based on the unit definitions listed on the Rate Card Rates record.

    Sample Ad Caption Tab on an Advertising Insertion Order Record

  5. The Pricing section on the General tab is now updated to show the current cost of the classified advertisement based on the base rate in the rate card and the amount of text listed on the Ad Caption tab.


Ad Caption Spell Check Feature

A spell check feature is available to check the spelling of the classified advertisement text entered on the Ad Caption tab. To run a spell check at any time, right-click within the advertisement text field and select the Spell Check option from the context menu.

Setting Up the Advertising Insertion Order Advertising Options

This topic describes how to set up the Advertising Insertion Order Advertising Options information.

  1. Create an Advertising Insertion Orders record as described in Creating an Advertising Insertion Order. Remember you must select a product issue and the correct combination of color, size and position codes to use the rate card that has advertising option products attached to it otherwise, no advertising option products will be available.
  2. Before saving the order, select the Advertising Options field label (it is highlighted in blue). The Rates record used is based on the advertising product selected in the Product Issues field and the color, size and position codes selected on the insertion order. It is this Rates record that determines which advertising options products are available to the advertiser. These options appear in the Advertising Insertion Order Options dialog box.


  3. Select the option product(s) the advertiser wishes to purchase by clicking in the Selected column for the desired available product(s) listed in the Advertising Insertion Order Options dialog box.

    :Sample Advertising Insertion Order Options Dialog Box

  4. If the option product selected is a product associated with an entity, such as the blind box, double-click on the option product record in the dialog box to open the Advertising Insertion Options record. If the option product is not associated with an entity skip to step 7 and continue.
  5. Click the Record field's label (it is highlighted in blue) to open a new record from the product's associated entity. For example, if the option product is associated with the Advertising Blind Boxes service, a new Advertising Blind Boxes record opens.

    Sample Advertising Options Record

  6. Enter the required data in the option product's entity record. The data entered on this form may vary depending on which entity the advertising option is associated. The following steps are for entering data into an Advertising Blind Boxes record.
    1. Enter a name in the Name field to identify the advertising blind box.
    2. Enter contact information to identify where responses to the ad's blind box should be sent.

      Sample Advertising Blind Boxes Record

    3. Click OK to save and close the new entity record, in this case the Advertising Blind Boxes record. 
      The record you just created automatically populates the Record field on the Advertising Insertion Order Options record. 
  7. Modify the values in the Quantity and Price fields, if applicable, on the Advertising Insertion Options record for that option product.
    An option type of Yes/No only allows for price modification in the Price field and an option type of Quantity allows for price and quantity modifications in the Price and Quantity fields. Note that the ability to modify the price requires that the option's Products record allows price overrides.
  8. Click OK to close the Advertising Insertion Options record.
  9. Click OK in the dialog box to save and close the Advertising Insertion Order Options dialog box. The Option Amount field on the Insertion Order now displays the total cost of the option products ordered and the Grand Total field on the insertion order displays the total cost of the advertising product and advertising options for the insertion order.

Overriding the Quote Amount

The Quote Amount field may be overridden by the user to encourage a sale or make a special deal without using the predefined rate schedules.

  1. To override the quoted price and discount (if any), select the Price Override option located at the bottom of the pricing section. Selecting the Price Override option activates two fields, the Price Override Reason field, and the Quote Amount field.


  2. In the Price Override Reason field, select from the list the valid reason defined during the setup stage that best represents the reason for the price override.
  3. In the Quote Amount field, enter any price to replace the calculated quote. As you tab away from the field, the other pricing fields update accordingly. The Discretionary Discount also updates automatically to display the difference between the grand total for the original quote amount and the new quote amount.

Including a Discretionary Discount

As an alternative to overriding the price, a user may enter a discount amount in the Discretionary Discount field, that reduces the price in addition to any other discounts due to the rate card's Agency Discount field. This discretionary discount and any applicable agency discount are applied as a discount percentage to the advertising product's order line on the generated order.

  1. In the Discretionary Discount field, enter an amount to further discount the quoted amount.
  2. After entering a discretionary discount and tabbing away from the field, the totals update to include the new discount.

Including Discretionary Discounts in Commissions

One of the features of the Advertising module is that it ties in with the Aptify Commission & Royalty Management application. Since the Advertising module requires tracking Sales Representatives for each contract, commissions for each contract can be assigned to each sales representative as well. Because each organization may have different business rules regarding paying commissions on discounted amounts, the Commission Discretionary Amount option gives the organization the option to choose whether the discounted amount is included or excluded when calculating the sales representatives commission.

If applicable, select the Commission Discretionary Amount option to indicate that the amount listed in the Discretionary Discount field is to be included with the total amount when calculating the commission for the sales representative.

Modifying Sales Representative Information in Advertising Insertion Order

Aptify automatically adds the sales representative information from a corresponding Advertising Contract to an Advertising Insertion Order. A user can modify this information on the insertion order in the Sales Representative tab as necessary.

About the Advertising Insertion Orders Form Production Tab and Miscellaneous Fields

The fields on the Production tab include space for any special instructions about the materials provided and positioning instructions. These are optional fields.

The miscellaneous fields on the insertion order form include the number of tear sheet and proof copies the advertiser wishes to receive before running their advertisement. These fields are optional. See About the Advertising Insertion Orders Form for more information on the fields that appear on an insertion order.

Note that the Taken By field auto-populates with the employee's record from the Employees service and is required to save the Insertion Order and create the associated Orders record.

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