Setting Up Advertising Rate Cards

The Advertising Rate Cards service is where prices for advertisements, both display and classified, are defined. The rate card consists of a single advertising publication product, the deadlines for each product issue belonging to the publication, and the various code combinations that are available for each product issue.

The Advertising Rate Cards service integrates various combinations of frequency, size, color scheme, and position codes to determine advertising rates for display advertisements and classified advertisements. The Advertising Rate Cards service allows the user to create numerous Rates records based on the combination of size, color, frequency, and position but does not allow the user to create multiple Rates records for the same combinations. The rate cards also contain the deadlines for each product issue.

Frequencies defined in the rate cards dictate what frequency options are available on the Advertising Contracts records. Only those frequencies listed in the Rates records are available in the frequency list on the Publications tab of the Advertising Contracts record. Rate Cards records must be connected to an advertising product before the product can be selected in an advertising contract.

Advertising Rate Cards are configured using the following procedures:

Creating Advertising Rate Cards

Follow these steps to create a rate card:

  1. Open a new Advertising Rate Cards record from the Advertising Rate Cards service.
  2. Enter an advertising product to populate the Product field. The Product field on the Advertising Rate Cards record has a filter that only allows the user to select products from the product category named Advertising.
  3. If needed, modify the currency in which you want the rate card to be based in the Currency Type field.
  4. When opening a new Advertising Rate Cards record, the Currency Type field defaults to the system's default currency. You can modify the currency type as needed to create rate cards in a different currency. 
  5. Enter a description in the Description field that identifies the rate cards. It is important to enter a description because it is a way of identifying it when choosing a rate card for a Publications record on an advertising contract.
  6. In the General tab, enter start and end dates for the duration of the prices in this Advertising Rate Cards record.
  7. If you wish to give the agency a discount on any of the rates for this product issue, enter a number representing the percentage in the Agency Discount field. For example, if you wish to give a ten percent discount enter the number 10.
  8. This discount applies to insertion orders for contracts that have an Agency specified.
  9. To ensure that the Rate Cards record is ready for use in the module, make sure the Status field reads Active.
  10. Enter any additional information in the Comments field.

  11. Save the record.

Creating Deadlines on Rate Cards

For each advertising product's product issue, a single Deadlines record must be established for the Materials Due Date on the Deadlines record to flow down to the Materials Due Date field on the Advertising Insertion Orders record.

Follow these steps to add a Deadlines record:

  1. From the Advertising Rate Cards record, select the Deadlines tab and open a new Deadlines record.
  2. Enter the name of the advertising product issue. The Product Issue field on the Deadlines record has a filter that only allows the user to select product issues of the advertising product listed on the Advertising Rate Cards record.
  3. Enter the Insertion Order Due Date and Materials Due Date for the issue.
  4. Enter any additional information in the Comments field.

  5. Click OK to save and close the Deadlines record.
  6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each product issue listed on the rate card.
  7. Save the Advertising Rate Cards record.

Creating Rates Records for Display Advertisements

The Rates tab on the Advertising Rate Cards record contains the pricing information for all the possible advertisement configurations based on the size codes, color codes, position codes, and frequency codes previously created and identified in the setup process for the Advertising module.

To create Rates records for a specific product, you will need to select a combination of the color, size, frequency, and position codes and identify a price rate for each combination. Depending on the number of each of the setup codes defined in the advertising setup process, the number of Rates records can vary.

Note Concerning Combinations for Rates Records

If there are four records for each of the four setup codes, there could be up to 256 different combinations for Rates records. Alternatively, if there are only three records for each of the four setup codes, there could be up to 81 different combinations for Rates records.


  1. From the Rates tab on the Advertising Rate Cards record, open a new Rates record.
  2. Enter the color in the Color field.
  3. Enter the size in the Size field.
  4. Enter the frequency of the rate card in the Frequency field.
  5. Enter the position in the Position field.
  6. In the Description field, enter an optional description of the Rates record.
  7. In the Rate field, enter a price for the combination of codes selected in the previous steps. This price flows down when the combination of codes defined here is selected on the Advertising Insertion Orders form. The Rate field is expressed in the currency type of the Advertising Rate Cards record.

  8. Click OK to save and close the Rates record.
  9. Repeat steps 1 through 8 for every combination you wish to offer your advertisers.
  10. Save the Advertising Rate Cards record.


Note Concerning Frequency Codes

Only the frequency codes used in any of the Rate's records for a specific product issue are available when selecting a Frequency Code for the same product issue in an Advertising Contracts record. For instance, if you do not create a Rates record using the 10x frequency code for a specific product issue, the 10x code will not be an option when selecting the frequency on a Publications record for the same product issue.

Creating Rates Records for Classified Ads

This topic describes how to create Rates records for classified ads.


See Adding Advertising Option Products to a Rate Card for information on how to add options to the Advertising Rate Card Rate Options tab of a rate card.


  1. From the Rates tab on the Advertising Rate Cards record, open a new Rates record.
  2. Click the Color Find button to reveal all the color codes available and select the one representing a classified advertisement.
  3. Click the Size Find button to reveal all the size codes available and select the one representing a classified advertisement.
  4. Click the Frequency Find button to reveal the available frequency codes and select one.
  5. Click the Position Find button to reveal all the position codes available and select the one representing classified advertisements.
  6. Enter an optional description of the Rates record.
  7. In the Rate field, enter the price for the classified advertisement based on the minimum base units. The Rate field is expressed in the currency type of the Advertising Rate Cards record.
  8. In the Base Unit field, enter the number that represents the base unit. For example, if the classified advertisement base rate is based on 100 characters (units), then enter 100 in the Base Unit field.
  9. In the Rate Per Add Unit field, enter the rate charged for additional units. For example, if the charge for additional characters over 100 is $1.00 per character, then enter 1.00.
  10. Enter a Unit Definitions record in the Unit Definition field. This definition determines what constitutes a unit in order to calculate the cost of the classified advertisement.

  11. Select the Advertising Product Sections tab, and add each Advertising Product Sections record that will be charged the rate entered on the General tab for the Rates record.
    1. Open a new Advertising Rate Card Rate Sections record.
    2. Enter the Advertising Product Sections record in the Product Sections field and save the record.

    3. Click OK to save and close the record.
    4. Add additional product sections that are charged the rate defined on the Rates record as necessary.
  12. Repeat steps 1 through 11 for each different pricing scheme you want to use for different groups of advertising product sections.
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